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E.2 Library predicates

E.2.1 library(lists)

append/3Concatenate lists
delete/3Delete all matching members from a list
flatten/2Transform nested list into flat list
intersection/3Set intersection
is_set/1Type check for a set
list_to_set/2Remove duplicates
member/2Element is member of a list
nextto/3Y follows X in List
nth0/3N-th element of a list (0-based)
nth1/3N-th element of a list (1-based)
numlist/3Create list of integers in interval
permutation/2Test/generate permutations of a list
reverse/2Inverse the order of the elements in a list
select/3Select element of a list
subset/2Check subset relation for unordered sets
subtract/3Delete elements that do not satisfy condition
sumlist/2Add all numbers in a list
union/3Union of two sets

E.2.2 library(check)

check/0Program completeness and consistency
list_undefined/0List undefined predicates
list_autoload/0List predicates that require autoload
list_redefined/0List locally redefined predicates

E.2.3 library(readutil)

read_line_to_codes/2Read line from a stream
read_line_to_codes/3Read line from a stream
read_stream_to_codes/2Read contents of stream
read_stream_to_codes/3Read contents of stream
read_file_to_codes/3Read contents of file
read_file_to_terms/3Read contents of file to Prolog terms

E.2.4 library(netscape)

www_open_url/1Open a web-page in a browser

E.2.5 library(registry)

registry_get_key/2Get principal value of key
registry_get_key/3Get associated value of key
registry_set_key/2Set principal value of key
registry_set_key/3Set associated value of key
registry_delete_key/1Remove a key
shell_register_file_type/4Register a file-type
shell_register_dde/6Register DDE action
shell_register_prolog/1Register Prolog

E.2.6 library(url)

parse_url/2Analyse or construct a URL
parse_url/3Analyse or construct a relative URL
global_url/3Make relative URL global
http_location/2Analyse or construct location
www_form_encode/2Encode or decode form-data