With research group members - 2012.







Research Themes



Funded Projects  


         National Satellite of Excellence in Trustworthy Software Systems (Lead PI and Director), $12M, 2019-23.


         TSUNAMi:  Trustworthy systems from un-trusted components (Lead PI), $6.1M, 2015-20.

         funded by National Research Foundation (NRF), project is close to completion.


         Energy aware programming, Principal Investigator (PI), $373K, 2014-17,

         funded by Ministry of Education, 2014-17.


       CoDeTest: Comprehension, Detection and testing via Symbolic Execution, PI, $390K

         funded by DSO Labs, 2013-16.



TSUNAMi project group-photo 2015



Completed projects



Research Awards





Last updated 2019.