Switching Condition
Naïve idea of switching based on row number and feature
number does not work well
to estimate the required computation of an enumeration
sub-tree, i.e.,  row enumeration sub-tree or feature
enumeration sub-tree.
Estimate the maximal level of enumeration for each children sub-
Example of estimating the maximal level of enumeration:
Suppose r=10, S(f1)=0.8, S(f2)=0.5, S(f3)=0.5, S(f4)=0.3 and
S(f1)*S(f2)*S(f3)*r =2 minsup
S(f1)*S(f2)*S(f3)*S(f4)*r =0.6 < minsup
Then the estimated deepest node under f1 is f1f2f3