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AY2004/5 Semester 1
Miscellaneous - Guests


I am inviting students and staff members as guests in my CS1101 lecture to share with you their opinions and tips on topics ranging from specific subject relating to problem solving and programming to general issues such as coping and learning in SoC in general.

I hope that these diverse views will give you a more well-rounded perspective that spurs you on in your pursuit at this stage of your education.

Aaron Tan
23 August 2004
Week 9: (12 October 2005, Wednesday)
Mr Hugh Anderson
Mr Hugh Anderson is Lecturer in Computer Science in the School of Computing. Mr Anderson specializes in formal methods, network administration, distributed systems and encryption.

Presentation slides (4 on 1) | Presentation slides (2 on 1)

Week 5: (7 September 2005, Wednesday)
A/P Yeo Gee Kin
A/P Yeo Gee Kin is Associate Professor in Information Systems in the School of Computing. A/P Yeo specializes in simulation and gaming, model management for decision support, and domain-specific knowledge management for learning environment.

Synopsis of her talk on "IT Ethics and Professionalism":
Powerful technologies have profound social consequences. Information and communication technology is affecting almost every aspect of our lives - where and how we work, where and how we learn, play, shop and even socialize. In many such activities engaging ICT, dilemma arise in situations which require our judgment and decision. We find the need to resort to fundamental ethical principles to devise new policies to serve as agreement and guides. This talk discusses the ICT dilemma facing users as well as ICT professionals and introduces ethical decision making that can be helpful to deal with them.

Presentation slides

Week 13: (10 November 2004, Wednesday)
A/P Wong Weng Fai
A/P Wong Weng Fai specializes in the areas of programming languages, systems and computer architecture. You might have also come across the numerous letters he had sent to the Straits Times forum page, on issues ranging from the Merlion to golf courses to hospital bills.

Weng Fai wil speak on this topic: "A career in IT: did I make a wrong choice?"

Week 8: (8 October 2004, Friday)
Mr Lai Zit Seng
Mr Lai Zit Seng is a Senior Systems Engineer in charge of network and IT security in SoC. His current portfolio of projects also includes load testing, business continuity planning, etc.

Zit Seng will talk about general issues on computer security.

Slides: IT Security Awareness

Week 4: (1 September 2004, Wednesday)
Dr Tan Sun Teck
Dr Tan Sun Teck is a Senior Lecturer in SoC. He has extensive experience in teaching programming and is a very caring teacher. He received the Outstanding Mentor award in 2000.

Dr Tan will share with you some stories and also announce a Tuition Aid scheme he is initiating to help students cope with some of the difficult first-year modules.

Week 3: (27 August 2004, Friday)
Feng Anqiang, Eric
Eric Feng is a third-year SoC student majoring in Information Systems. He is also holding the post of Managing Director (1904) at the SoC Corporate Communications.

Eric will speak about his learning experience from the viewpoint of someone who had no programming background.

Hoon Tian Hsiung
Tian Hsiung is a third-year SoC student majoring in Computer Engineering. He is also the president (2003/04) of the NUS Students' Computing Club.

Tian Hsiung will speak about finding a niche among the multi-disciplines in Computing.

Last updated: 11 October 2005