Test 2 will be on Saturday, 19 August 2000, 9:45am to 12:45pm. Three questions will be in the test: Question 110 on Dynamic Programming Question 111 on Divide and Conquer Question 112 on Geometry Each question will be 50 marks. Test 2 is worth 150 marks. Test 2 grading: Each question has 10 test cases. Each attempt scores 5 marks for each test case solved correctly (. = accepted). No marks will be given for test cases not solved correctly (f format error, t time limit exceeded, x wrong answer, c crash). For each question (not each test case), the best attempt that is received before the deadline is considered. For example, if you only get [.....ttttt] and [fxc.......] for a question, you will get max(25, 35) = 35 marks, not 50 marks, for that question. "Accepted" represents [..........], "Format Error" represents [ffffffffff], etc.