=============================== CS3233: (Spring 2004) =============================== Marking Assignment: In this assignment, you will play "instructor" and will grade solutions turned in by your classmates. Each student grade two homework (and so, each homework is graded by two students). When grading, make sure you pay attention to correctness, efficiency (of algorithm, data structures, coding ease), completeness (eg: did it fulfill all the requirements required by the question), and conciseness/ease of understanding. Please also give your comments where you think things are incorrect or can be made better. For your convenience, the question is repeated here. Written Homework (from lecture): (due: Mon 23-Feb 04:59pm) ----------------------------------------------------------- Given a weighted, directed graph (can have cycles), find a longest simple path (no repeated vertex) from a start vertex s to a destination vertex t. Give a description of an efficient algorithm for solving this problem. Your writeup should give definitions, pseudo-code of the algorithm and some informal justification for its correctness. =============================================================================== Grader: _______________________________ Graded: ____________________________ Date: ________________ _______ Correctness: (out of 25) Does it CORRECTLY solve the problem? _______ Efficiency: (out of 25) How efficient is the solution? _______ Completeness: (out of 25) Does it fulfill all the requirements of the question? _______ Conciseness: (out of 25) Is the solution writeup concise, easy to read? _______ TOTAL (out of 100) Your Comments: