From: Wang Zirui [] Sent: Friday, 20 February, 2004 1:26 PM To: Leong Hon Wai Subject: Longest Simple Path Dear Prof. Leong, Below is my solution to the homework problem. Variables adj[][]: adjacent list w[][]: weight of edges s: starting vertex t: ending vertex max: maximum length from s to t p[]: array of parent vertices u: current vertex d: distance covered so far o[]: boolean array storing if a vertex is on current path Longest-Simple-Path(s, t) if s == t max = 0 else max = -inf o[s] = false for each vertex u in adj[s] p[u] = s DFS(u, w[s][u]) return max, p[] DFS(u, d) if u == t if d > max max = d store p[] if necessary else o[u] = true for each vertex v in adj[u] if o[v] == false p[v] = u DFS(v, d + w[u][v]) o[u] = false EXPLANATION Since this problem is NP-complete, there is no known faster solution than enumerating all possible paths from s to t. We have to search exhaustively using DFS. A simple path is required, thus I use the boolean array o[] to avoid going to one vertex twice. Upon reaching destination t, I compare the distance covered so far with current maxmium length and update the maximum if necessary. The case where s is identical to t needs separate treatment, since the lowest bound is 0 now, i.e. just staying at s. CLAIM The algorithm is correct. PROOF Assume it is wrong. There is a path that is strictly longer than the returned path. Suppose the first vertex on the longer path that differs from the returned path is v. Then v cannot be s since s is common; so v has a parent vertex u that lies on the initial shared path. But in DFS(), every vertex reachable from u is considered; so v has also been considered. Similarly, DFS() has reached all the vertices on the longer path after v in the same order. In other words, the longer path has been explored. So its length has been compared with max, and the larger of the two has been stored. This contradicts the assumption that the length of the longer path is strictly greater than the stored maximum value. The claim is proven. # Sincerely, Wang Zirui