CS3233 Students taking NOI

The annual National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) is happening this Saturday (13-Mar-2004).

CS3233 students will take part in it as one of the online contest for the course. However, they are not eligible for prizes :-( since the prizes are meant for the JC/Secondary school students.

  • Date and Time: Saturday, 13-Mar 9am -- 1pm
  • Venue: Level 8 (SOC1) [Rm TBA] -- [Take your assigned SEATS.]
  • Reporting Time: 8:00am (outside LT34)
  • Web-site: NOI

  • Rule: Read them carefully before the competition.
  • IMPT: Esp rules on "exe" executable file, input/output files.

  • Resources:

  • NOI T-shirts: They are in my office -- can collect from me if I am in...

    Please do NOT make any noise even if you have finished earlier. If you want to leave early, please do so QUIETLY so as not to disturb the other contestants.