

Take a look at the Javadoc, especially for FileSystem and FileObject.


FileSystems API

The FileSystems API permits module authors to access files in a uniform manner: e.g. you may be unaware of whether a file you are using is stored on local disk in the user's repository, or stored in an auxiliary directory, or stored in a JAR archive. Alternately, you may have reason to implement a custom file system - e.g. a vendor tool being integrated into the IDE may have its own local or remote storage of files in a special fashion; using this API, the rest of the IDE will be able to seamlessly view your files.

What This API is Not For

This API pertains only to manipulating files on disk (or whatever storage mechanism a file system may use), and makes no reference to their contents nor to how they are being used elsewhere in the IDE (beyond whether or not they are locked). If you are looking for information on how to create custom content types, use the editor, create Explorer nodes corresponding to files, etc., this API is not the primary document you should be reading (although it may still be useful).

From the perspective of the FileSystems API, all files consist of byte streams (albeit with MIME types). Usually, the functionality of this API will actually be used indirectly, via the Loaders API, which abstracts away most of the details of files and presents data in terms of nodes.

Common Tasks

Basic operations using the FileSystems API should be mostly familiar, and are similar to any file-access system. (There are a few, such as monitoring files, which are not universally available on system-level file systems, so you may want to take special note of these.) This section gives examples of the more common tasks associated with using file systems.

At any given time, there may be several FileSystems in the NetBeans Repository. Some operations are specific to a particular file system, but often it is possible to deal with files without having to keep track of which file system they reside on - the mounted file systems then form a pool of usable data files.

Mounting a new file system

It is not too likely that you would need to mount a file system from within code (normally the user would mount new filesystems in the Explorer), but if that is necessary it is not difficult:
Repository repo=TopManager.getDefault().getRepository();
LocalFileSystem fs=new LocalFileSystem();
fs.setRootDirectory(new File("c:\\some directory\\"));
If you are looking for a particular file system, you might try something like:
// The master file system:
FileSystem mainFS=repo.getDefaultFileSystem();

// A local file system by path name:
LocalFileSystem fsByPath=null;
Enumeration all=repo.getFileSystems();
while (all.hasMoreElements()) {
    Object o=all.nextElement();
    if (o instanceof LocalFileSystem) {
        LocalFileSystem lfs=(LocalFileSystem) o;
        if (lfs.getRootDirectory().equals(new File("c:\\some directory\\"))) {

The Mount/ folder

The list of mounted filesystems is stored in the system file system's folder Mount/. Each filesystem is represented by some data object with an instance of it; typically this would be a *.settings files, as described by the Services API. The order of mounts is given by the ordering of this folder. Subfolders containing filesystems instances are also recognized.

You may read or write this folder as an alternative to using direct Repository calls. However, no synchronization policy between the mount folder and the actual contents of the repository is defined, so this is probably not helpful to do at runtime.

On the other hand, it is fine to add mounts of filesystems to this folder from a module layer; this is much preferable to trying to procedurally mount the filesystem at startup. Since the objects providing the filesystem instances may be displayed to the user in settings, you are encouraged to provide nice display names and icons for these files.

There are two XML DTDs provided by modules (not guaranteed by the FileSystems API) which give you a convenient way to add common types of mounts from a layer without any Java code.

-//NetBeans IDE//DTD JavaLibrary//EN

XML files with this DTD will have a filesystem instance corresponding to a ZIP or JAR file present somewhere in the IDE installation (often the modules/ext/ directory). By mounting such an instance you can add the archive to the user's default classpath for compiling, executing, and debugging. Provided by the java module. By convention such mounts are placed in the Mount/java/ subdirectory, though this is not required.

-//NetBeans IDE//DTD JavadocLibrary//EN

This DTD produced instances of filesystems corresponding to either ZIPs, JARs, or directories present in the IDE installation (often a ZIP file in the docs/ directory), with the proper filesystem capabilities set to be used as Javadoc. Provided by the javadoc module. By convention such mounts are placed in the Mount/Javadoc/ subdirectory, though this is not required.

Finding files and folders on existing file systems

Normally, you will be looking for a file or folder by name, and will want to get the FileObject which represents it. The easiest way to do this is straight from the repository:
FileObject file=repo.find("my.package", "MySource", "java");
// OR:
(That got the first file named my/package/MySource.java that could be found in any file system. Occasionally you might want to find all files of a given name, in different file systems; then you can use Repository.findAll(...).)

If you need to get a file specifically from a particular file system, just call find(...) or findResource(...) on the file system object instead:

file=fs.find("my.package", "MySource", "java");
// OR:
(Note the similarity in usage to ClassLoader.findResource(String).)

Or you may want to find the containing folder (represented also by a FileObject):

FileObject folder=repo.find("my.package", null, null);
To find all the folders and files directly contained in this folder, you may use:
FileObject children[]=folder.getChildren();
Occasionally you may need to present a given file object as a URL (usable only within the IDE, of course); for example, to display it in a web browser. This is straightforward:
URL url=file.getURL ();

Creating, deleting, and renaming files and folders

This example creates a subfolder and then a new file within that subfolder:
FileObject subfolder=folder.createFolder("sub");
FileObject newfile=subfolder.createData("NewSource", "java");
If you want to delete or rename a file, you must first take out a lock on the file, to make sure that no one else is actively using the file at the same time. Then you may perform the action on it:
FileLock lock = null;
try {
} catch (FileAlreadyLockedException e) {
    // Try again later; perhaps display a warning dialog.
try {
    // Rename it.
    newfile.rename(lock, "NewSrc", "java");
    // Delete it.
} finally {
    // Always put this in a finally block!
If you want to move a file into a different directory (or even file system), you cannot use rename(...); the easiest way is to use a NetBeans helper method:
FileObject someFile=repo.find("my.pkg", "MySource", "java");
FileObject whereTo=repo.find("your.pkg", null, null);
FileUtil.moveFile(someFile, whereTo, "YourSource");
Note that in the current API set, it is neither possible nor necessary to lock folders (e.g. when creating new children), as normally locks are used to protect data files from conflicts between the Editor, the Explorer, and so on. If in the future there are thread-related problems associated with improper simultaneous access to the same folder, support for folder locking could be added to the FileSystems API.

Similarly, there is no support currently for nonexclusive read locks - if you require exclusion of writers during a read, you must take out a regular write lock for the duration of the read. This is not normally necessary, since typically only the Editor will be reading and writing the contents of the file, and other file operations do not involve information which could be partially corrupted between threads. If necessary, the API includes facilities for read-many/write-one locks.

Reading and writing files

Reading and writing the contents of a data file is straightforward:
BufferedReader from=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(someFile.getInputStream()));
try {
    String line;
    while ((line=from.readLine()) != null) {
        // do something with line
} finally {

FileLock lock;
try {
} catch (FileAlreadyLockedException e) {
try {
    PrintWriter to=new PrintWriter(someFile.getOutputStream(lock));
    try {
    } finally {
} finally {

Listening on file events

If you need to keep track of what is being done to a file by other components, you can monitor it using normal Java events:
someFile.addFileChangeListener(new FileChangeAdapter() {
    public void fileChanged(FileEvent ev) {
        System.out.println("Contents changed.");
    public void fileAttributeChanged(FileAttributeEvent ev) {
        System.out.println(ev.getName() + ": " + ev.getOldValue() + " -> " + ev.getNewValue());
All events affecting existing files are actually fired twice, once from the file itself and once from its containing folder, so you may just want to listen on the parent folder. Also, file creation events are fired on the folder only, of course:
FileObject someFolder=someFile.getParent();
someFolder.addFileChangeListener(new FileChangeAdapter() {
    public void fileChanged(FileEvent ev) {
        System.out.println("Contents of " + ev.getFile().getPackageNameExt('/', '.') + " changed.");
    public void fileDataCreated(FileEvent ev) {
        System.out.println("File " + ev.getFile().getPackageNameExt('/', '.') + " created.");

Determining MIME Content Type

If you need influence the MIME type resolution process, you can register a MIMEResolver. Resolvers are consulted for FileObjects on FileSystems that do not provide any special means of finding MIME types (e.g. HTTP Content-Type headers).

To simplify this process you can register a MIMEResolver declaratively. It is not only easier (no coding needed) but can be more efficient by sharing results among multiple declared resolvers. See the declarative MIME resolvers how-to for more information about this.

Implementing Custom File Systems

It is possible using the Filesystems API to implement a custom file system from scratch which will appear in all ways to the IDE to be interchangeable with the local or JAR file system types. This might be useful for adding, e.g., support for browsing of URLs in the Explorer, or integration with a proprietary file store used by an application being integrated. There are no especially subtle issues involved in doing this; but a number of methods must be implemented. This synopsis will attempt to describe a fairly minimal set of things which should be done to support a writable file system (read-only file systems are of course easier); for other capabilities, the reader is referred to the Javadoc.

Before reading all of the next two sections, be aware that for most purposes it is sufficient to use a convenience implementation of FileSystem which handles the rougher areas of caching, synchronization, etc. that a file system implementation is likely to encounter. FileSystem permits somewhat finer control, but typically AbstractFileSystem should be used instead.

Subclassing FileSystem

The basic technique to use for creating a new file system is to subclass FileSystem, specializing a few methods. The subclass should have a default constructor and have its relevant properties settable using JavaBeans, so that the user can manipulate the file system in the Explorer, under the Repository. For example, the LocalFileSystem exposes the properties rootDirectory and readOnly as Bean properties, so these will show up on the Property Sheet for the file system node. You may also want to create a BeanInfo so that an appropriate icon will be chosen, tool tips will work on the properties, and so on.

A particularly compelling reason to use BeanInfo is that many file systems will not be valid at all until configured somehow by the user, typically to indicate "where" their root folder should be. For such file systems, you should provide a Customizer component that can configure a new file system in a user-friendly fashion (it should implement this interface and be a Component as well). To provide such a customizer, just use the normal JavaBeans method of implementing BeanInfo.getBeanDescriptor() to create a BeanDescriptor which specifies the customizer.

The following methods ought to be implemented or overridden when subclassing FileSystem:

Subclassing FileObject

Implementing the actual files (and folders) is of course somewhat more involved than the file system object. You should implement the following methods at least:

Subclassing AbstractFileSystem

This convenience implementation does much of the hard work of FileSystem and is generally more pleasant to create subclasses of. Refer to the previous sections for details on what all of these features do and how they interact with the rest of the system.

Besides what is mentioned here, the AbstractFileSystem subclass should still be configurable as a JavaBean, just like the regular method.

First of all, you need not separately implement a file object - this is taken care of for you. You need only provide some information about how essential actions should be carried out.

You should still implement AbstractFileSystem.getDisplayName() to set the display name.

You may cause the file system to automatically refresh itself at periodic intervals, in case it is not possible to be notified of changes directly. To do so, call AbstractFileSystem.setRefreshTime(int), e.g. from the constructor.

AbstractFileSystem.refreshRoot() must be called if the file system supports changing of its root directory (as the local file system does, for example).

Most of the meat of the implementation is provided by setting appropriate values for four protected variables, which should be initialized in the constructor; each represents an implementation of a separate interface handling one aspect of the file system.

List member

The variable AbstractFileSystem.list should contain an implementation of AbstractFileSystem.List. This only specifies a way of accessing the list of children in a folder.

Info member

AbstractFileSystem.info contains an AbstractFileSystem.Info which provides basic file statistics.

It also specifies the raw implementation of three basic types of actions: getting input and output streams for the file; locking and unlocking it physically (optional and not to be confused with locking within the IDE); and marking it as unimportant, i.e. not to be archived (again optional).

Change member

AbstractFileSystem.change is an AbstractFileSystem.Change which provides the interface to create new folders and files; delete them; and rename them (within the same directory).

Attribute member

AbstractFileSystem.attr is an AbstractFileSystem.Attr allowing the IDE to read and write serializable attributes (meta-information) to be associated with the file.

Here a word of caution is in order. The IDE frequently uses these attributes for specific purposes, e.g. storing user settings for the arguments used to execute a class. It is thus fairly important that they be implemented correctly on a writable file system. Since many concrete storage mechanisms (such as local disk) do not provide any means of associating attributes in this way, the API provides a default implementation which stores them in a special file (one per folder), currently named .nbattrs (formerly filesystem.attributes). The newer .nbattrs files are XML-based; simple attribute values (primitive types, Strings, and URLs) are stored directly, and more complex objects are serialized and the hexadecimal stream placed in the XML. In the future it is expected that there will be a mechanism for other attribute value types to be stored as proper XML.

In order to use this implementation, you should set the attr variable to be an instance of DefaultAttributes. You need only provide the other three behaviors in its constructor for it to function correctly - it manipulates the attribute files exactly the same way as regular files would be manipulated.

However, it is undesirable for the attribute files to appear externally as real files on the filesystem, since these would leave them open to accidental modification, and they should of course not be seen by the user. So, DefaultAttributes also implements AbstractFileSystem.List as a filter, which simply removes the attribute file before passing along the normal children. To use this, you should have one private list object containing your raw implementation of child scanning in the underlying storage; then provide this to the DefaultAttributes in its constructor; and finally use the DefaultAttributes object for AbstractFileSystem.list as well as AbstractFileSystem.attr.

Subclassing an existing file system

If your file system provides very little functionality, but only a minor hook or two, it may be more convenient to simply subclass LocalFileSystem or JarFileSystem. This should generally be straightforward, provided you remember always to call the superclass method in an appropriate fashion when overriding. For both of these filesystems you can override protected methods corresponding to the methods in the AbstractFileSystem methods (LocalFileSystem uses DefaultAttributes so attribute-related methods are not provided). Of course, if you wind up overriding more than a couple of these methods, you might as well just subclass AbstractFileSystem to begin with.

Adding the module descriptor

You may use the Modules API to add a new type of filesystem to the system. However a better technique is to define a service template for the filesystem in the folder Templates/Mount/ (or some subfolder thereof), which is both more efficient and more flexible.

Special File Systems

The FileSystems API includes a couple of special implementations which are used by the core of the IDE to assemble the application, and could also be used by module writers in some circumstances.

Using MultiFileSystem

This file system has no form of storage in and of itself. Rather, it composes and proxies one or more "delegate" file systems. The result is that of a "layered" sandwich of file systems, each able to provide files to appear in the merged result. The layers are ordered so that a file system in "front" can override one in "back".

Creating a new MultiFileSystem is easy in the simplest cases: just call its constructor where you can pass it a list of delegates. If you pass it only read-only delegates, the composite will also be read-only. Or you may pass it one or more writable file systems (make sure the first file system is one of them); then it will be able to act as a writable file system, by default storing all actual changes on the first file system.

This class is intended to be subclassed more than to be used as is, since typically a user of it will want finer-grain control over several aspects of its operation. When subclassed, delegates may be changed dynamically and the "contents" of the composite file system will automatically be updated.

One of the more common methods to override is createWritableOn(String), which should provide the delegate file system which should be used to store changes to the indicated file (represented as a resource path). Normally, this is hardcoded to provide the first file system (assuming it is writable); subclasses may store changes on another file system, or they may select a file system to store changes on according to (for example) file extension. This could be used to separate source from compiled/deployable files, for instance. Or some filesystems may prefer to attempt to make changes in whatever file system provided the original file, assuming it is writable; this is also possible, getting information about the file's origin from findSystem(FileObject).

Another likely candidate for overriding is findResourceOn(...). Normally this method just looks up resources by the normal means on delegate file systems and provides the resultant file objects. However it could be customized to "warp" the delegates somehow; for example, selecting a different virtual root for one of them.

notifyMigration(FileObject) provides a means for subclasses to update some state (for example, visual annotations) when the file system used to produce a given file changes dynamically. This most often happens when a file provided by a back delegate is written to, and the result stored on the foremost delegate, but it could occur in other situations too (e.g. change of delegates, removal of overriding file on underlying front delegate, etc.).

When new files are added to the MultiFileSystem, normally they will be physically added to the foremost delegate, although as previously mentioned they can be customized. When their contents (or attributes) are changed, by default these changes are again made in the foremost delegate. But what if a file is deleted? There must be a way to indicate on the foremost delegate that it should not appear in the composite (even while it remains in one of the delegates). For this reason, MultiFileSystem uses "masks" which are simply empty files named according to the file they should hide, but with the suffix _hidden. Thus, for example, if there is a file subdir/readme.txt_hidden in a front delegate it will hide any files named subdir/readme.txt in delegates further back. These masks are automatically created as needed when files are "deleted" from MultiFileSystem; or delegate filesystems may explicitly provide them. Normally the mask files are not themselves visible as FileObjects, since they are an artifact of the deletion logic. However, when nesting MultiFileSystems inside other MultiFileSystems, it can be useful to have delegates be able to mask files not provided by their immediate siblings, but by cousins. For this reason, nested subclasses may call setProgagateMasks(true) to make the mask files propagate up one or more nesting levels and thus remain potent again cousin delegates.

Using XMLFileSystem

This file system is a simple implementation which is read-only and its contents derived exclusively from an XML file. It is thus useful for configuration and so on where a fixed set of (typically small) files is needed. Its primary use is in modules which wish to provide a layer for the default file system in the IDE (which stores configuration of various sorts).

Its Java API is very slim: common uses need only call the constructor taking a URL to the XML file as argument.

The XML format is also relatively simple. There is an online DTD for it, but descriptively: the document element is <filesystem> and corresponds to the root folder; subfolders are represented with the <folder> element; and files within folders with the <file> element. Files and folders must have names, with the name attribute. Files need not specify contents, in which case they will be zero-length; or they may specify contents loaded from some other resource (url attribute, treated as relative to the base URL of the document itself); or for small textual contents, the contents may be included inline inside the element, typically using the CDATA syntax. Attributes may be specified on folders or files as empty <attr> elements; the name must be supplied, and the value in one of several formats: primitive types, strings, URLs, arbitrary serialized objects in hexadecimal, or computed on the fly by calling the default constructor of some class, or a static method (the method may be passed the file object in question and/or the attribute name, if you wish).

So as an example to install a template:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE filesystem PUBLIC
    "-//NetBeans//DTD Filesystem 1.0//EN"
    <folder name="Templates">
        <folder name="Other">
            <file name="foo.txt">
                <!-- Using CDATA prevents random surrounding -->
                <!-- whitespace from appearing: -->
                <![CDATA[some contents here...]]>
                <!-- Make it a template: -->
                <attr name="template" boolvalue="true"/>
                <!-- Localized display name of data node: -->
                <attr name="SystemFileSystem.localizingBundle"
                <!-- HTML description of template for wizard to display: -->
                <attr name="templateWizardURL"
                <!-- Set an iterator; complex object, so -->
                <!-- easiest to create thus: -->
                <attr name="templateWizardIterator"

where FooTemplateIterator contains a public constructor taking no arguments.

UML Diagrams

UML representation of FileSystems API is divided to three class diagrams. FileObject and Repository diagrams represent regular usage of the API, while FileSystem diagram is more useful for developers that will want to implement their own filesystem.

Class diagram of FileObject

FileObject UML

Class diagram of Repository

Repository UML

Class diagram of FileSystem

FileSystem UML

Built on December 12 2001.  |  Portions Copyright 1997-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.