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The Swing Tool Set

By Mark Andrews

The article titled "Introducing Swing" explained what Swing is (an extension of AWT) and what it isn't (a replacement for the AWT tool set).

Toolbox imageThis article takes a broader, more topographical overview of Swing. It lists and describes all the UI component classes used in Swing (and some of the most important non-UI classes, too), and it introduces some of the interfaces that Swing components implement.

It also describes and illustrates the inheritance hierarchy into which Swing's classes are organized.

To see what all of Swing's UI components look like, and to find out where to look for more information about each one, see the article titled "Component Gallery."

Swing's inheritance hierarchy

The Swing component hierarchy is similar in some ways to the AWT hierarchy. But on close examination, you'll see quite a few differences.

The Swing tool set is a comprehensive library of more than 250 classes and more than 75 interfaces for creating lightweight, 100% Pure Java GUI components.

Swing has more than twice as many components as AWT -- it is a comprehensive library of more than 250 classes and more than 75 interfaces for creating lightweight, 100% pure Java GUI components.

But in some ways, the hierarchy of the Swing component set has actually been simplified.

The following diagram shows just a small part of the Swing component hierarchy. But it also shows some important differences between the way class inheritance works in Swing and the way it works in the AWT component set.

Swing inheritance chart

UI classes and non-UI classes

In this diagram, two features of Swing are immediately apparent. All Swing component classes have names that start with "J," and all the component classes shown in the diagram descend from a class named JComponent.

Don't conclude from this diagram, however, that all Swing classes are "J" classes, or that all of them descend from JComponent. Swing has two kinds of classes -- UI classes and non-UI classes -- and only Swing's UI classes are "J" classes that descend from JComponent. Swing also has lots of non-UI classes that don't descend from JComponent and don't have names that begin with the letter J -- but we won't discuss any non-UI classes in this article. This article is about Swing components, so it focuses exclusively on Swing's UI classes.

And what's difference between UI classes and non-UI classes? The answer is that UI classes create visible components, such as buttons and menus, which applications can display on a monitor screen. Non-UI classes provide services for UI classes, and perform other kinds of vital operations, but don't have user interfaces and don't display anything on the screen.

Swing's event classes and model classes are examples of non-UI classes. You'll use many different kinds of non-UI classes when you start working with Swing.

Inheritance differences between AWT and Swing

The diagram presented above shows how a number of Swing's UI classes descend from the JComponent class. If you're familiar with AWT, it might appear at first glance that Swing components inherit from the JComponent class in just about the same way that AWT components used to inherit from the Component class in pre-Swing versions of AWT.

But if you refer back to the diagram again, and look at it very closely, you may notice some interesting differences between the way Swing components inherit from the JComponent class and the way AWT components used to inherit from the Component class.

Changes in button-component hierarchy

You can observe several major differences between Swing and AWT by examining the way in which button inheritance works in the two tool sets. In AWT, there are only two button classes -- the Button and CheckBox classes -- and both Button and CheckBox inherit directly from the Component class, like this:

Button/checkbox inheritance

In Swing, two new kinds of buttons have been added, and the button-component hierarchy tree has been rearranged. The Swing button hierarchy looks like this:

checkbox/radio button inheritance

Notice that Swing has both a radio-button class and a check-box class. In pre-Swing versions of AWT, there was no radio-button class: the CheckBox class pulled double duty, serving as both a check-box class and a radio-button class. But Swing now has a real radio-button class (JRadioButton) as well as a check-box class (JCheckBox), making both kinds of buttons considerably easier to create and implement.

In Swing, both JRadioButton and JCheckBox descend from another new button class named JToggleButtonapi, which has three states: pressed, enabled, and selected. (Actually, all buttons have these three states; however, JButton ignores the selected state.)

All of Swing's button classes -- JButton, JToggleButton, JRadioButton, and JCheckBox -- descend from an abstract class named AbstractButtonapi, which neatly encapsulates their common features and capabilities. The AbstractButton class descends directly from the JComponentapi class.

Changes in menu-component hierarchy

There are many other differences between the Swing class hierarchy and the AWT class hierarchy, but we'll take a quick look at just one more class tree -- the menu tree -- before we move on to another topic.

You may know that in pre-Swing AWT, menu classes did not descend from the Component class, but from the AWT's Object class, in an arrangement that looked something like this:

menu/checkbox inheritance

In Swing, all menu classes do descend from JComponent, in a more complex tree that also encompasses the button tree that you saw in the preceding section:

menu/button inheritance

Because the button and menu trees are linked together in this way in Swing, it's easier to coordinate button events and menu events in Swing than it was in pre-Swing versions of AWT.

In fact, Swing has a new interface -- called the Action interface -- that can listen for menu and button events at the same time. This means that in Swing, you can synchronize and coordinate menu events and button events in a way that was never possible in pre-Swing versions of AWT.

In a Swing program, for example, a single mouse click can activate or deactivate both a menu item and a corresponding toolbar button. You'll see exactly how that works in an article on Action events soon to be published in The Swing Connection.

What's in the Swing packages

Swing, like any well-behaved collection of Java software, groups its classes and interfaces into packages. Swing's packages, and their contents, are:

  • The Accessibility package: This package defines a contract between Java UI objects (such as screen readers, Braille terminals, and so on) and screen access products used by people with disabilities. Swing components fully support the accessibility interfaces defined in the accessibility package, making it easy to write programs with Swing that people with disabilities can use. The design of the accessibility package also makes it easy to add accessibility support to custom components. These custom components can extend existing Swing components, can extend existing AWT components, or can be lightweight components developed from scratch.

  • The Swing component package (javax.swingapi): The Swing component package is the largest of Swing's five packages. As Swing's initial beta release drew near, the Swing component package contained 99 classes and 23 interfaces. With a couple of exceptions, the Swing component package is also the package that implements all the component classes used in Swing. (The exceptions are JTableHeaderapi, implemented in the javax.swing.tableapi package, and JTextComponentapi, implemented in javax.swing.textapi. ) Swing's UI classes (those that have names beginning with "J") are classes that are actually used to implement components; all other Swing classes are non-UI classes that provide services and functionalities to applications and components. For more details, see the section headed "Varieties of Swing classes."

  • The basic package (javax.swing.plaf.basic): The basic package is the second largest package in the Swing set. At press time, it contained 57 classes (but no interfaces). This package defines the default look-and-feel characteristics of Swing components. By subclassing the classes in the basic package, you can create components with your own customized pluggable L&F designs.)

  • The beaninfo package (javax.swing.beaninfo): Defines the SwingBeanInfo class, the superclass for all Swing BeanInfo classes. This package provides default implementations of the getIcon() and getDefaultPropertyIndex() methods, as well as utility methods like createPropertyDescriptor(), which makes it possible to write BeanInfo implementations. This class is meant to be used along with GenSwingBeanInfo(), a BeanInfo-class code generator.

  • The border package (javax.swing.borderapi): This package contains one interface and nine classes that you can subclass when you want to draw a specialized border around a component. (You don't have to touch this package when you create components with the default borders prescribed by whatever look and feel you are using. Swing draws default borders automatically around standard components.)

  • The event package (javax.swing.eventapi): The event package defines Swing-specific event classes. Its role is similar to that of the java.awt.event package.

    Under most ordinary conditions, you'll probably never have to subclass the components provided in the event package. But if you ever need to create a component that needs to monitor some other particular component -- perhaps in a special way -- you can tap one of the classes provided in this package. Swing's JListapi class, for example, uses this package to determine when the user selects an item in a list.

  • The multi package (javax.swing.plaf.multi): The multi package contains Swing's Multiplexing UI classes (delegates), which permit components to have UIs provided by multiple user-interface (UI) factories.

  • The pluggable L&F package (javax.swing.plaf): The pluggable L&F package contains the classes that Swing uses to provide its components with the pluggable look-and-feel capabilities. Most developers will never need this package. However, if you're building a new look and feel and you can't take the conventional approach of just subclassing the classes in the swing.plaf.basic package, you can start with the abstract classes in swing.plaf.

  • L&F-specific packages that became available with the release of JFC 1.1 (Swing 1.0) include:
    • javax.swing.plaf.metal.
    • javax.swing.plaf.motif.
    • javax.swing.plaf.windows.

      In addition, a MacOS for Macintosh computers is available separately. For details, see the Java Software Web site.

  • The table package (javax.swing.tableapi): The table package contains several low-level classes that Swing uses to help you build, view, and manipulate tables. More information about the classes in this package will be provided in a special article on tables in an upcoming issue of The Swing Connection.

  • The text package (javax.swing.textapi): This package contains classes and interfaces that deal with components which contain text.
  • The HTML package (javax.swing.text.htmlapi): This package contains an HTMLEditorKitapi class that implements a simple text editor for HTML text files.

  • The RTF package (javax.swing.text.rtfapi): This package implements a simple text editor for RTF (rich text format) files.

  • The tree package (javax.swing.treeapi): The classes in this package are used to create, view, and manage tree components.

  • The undo package (javax.swing.undoapi): Developers of packages with undo capabilities -- for example, text editors -- may need to know about the classes and methods defined in this package.

Varieties of Swing classes

As noted previously, Swing's UI classes create components and controls that you can see on the screen, while Swing's non-UI classes provide vital services and functionalities to Swing's control classes and the applications that use them.

Some non-UI classes -- such as ButtonGroupapi and ImageIconapi -- are defined in the Swing component package, along with Swing's component classes. But most of Swing's non-component classes are implemented in the other packages listed in the section titled "What's in the Swing packages " presented earlier this article.

The JComponent class

JComponentapi, an abstract class, is the root class of almost of of Swing's user-interface ("J") components. JComponent's root class is the Object class, which is defined in the java.lang.Object file. JComponent also inherits from the AWT Container and Component classes, as shown in the following diagram. JComponent implements the Accessibilityapi and Serializable interfaces.

JComponent Hierarchy chart

What the JComponent class provides

Swing's UI components inherit the following features and capabilities from the JComponent class:

  • Pluggable L&F : The JComponent class provides all JComponent-derived component classes with their "pluggable look-and-feel" technology, which allows the developer (or, optionally, the user) to specify or change the appearance and behavior of the Swing components used in an application, even while the program is being executed.

  • Extensibility : JComponent and its descendants have built-in technology that lets the developer combine and extend existing components to create new, customized components.

  • Smart trapping of keyboard events : JComponent provides its descendants with comprehensive keystroke-handling capabilities. Instead of trapping every keystroke and expecting you to discard the ones you aren't interested in, JComponent-derived classes can use methods implemented by the KeyStrokeapi class to trap just the keystrokes that you do care about, and can automatically initiate predetermined actions on specified components.

  • Customization of component borders : Any descendant of the JComponent class can display a customized border by calling the setBorder() method. JComponent-derived classes can call setBorder() to create both decorative borders and non-decorative borders (that is, borders that provide just margins and padding).

Look-and-feel implementations generally initialize a component's border property when the component is constructed. However, you can always override the initial value for the border property with your own custom border. The BorderFactory class provides a set of predefined borders that you can use.

  • Easy resizing of components : JComponent provides methods that make it easy for descendants to set the preferred, minimum, and maximum size for a component.

  • Tool Tips -- JComponent supports the use of tool tips -- short descriptions of components, or tips about how to use components, that pop up when the cursor lingers over a component.

  • Autoscrolling -- JComponent provides automatic scrolling in a list, table, or tree when the user is dragging the mouse.

  • Support for debugging : JComponent also provides its descendants with access to Swing's debugGraphicsapi mechanism, which displays the painting of components in slow motion so you can check to see whether components are being drawn properly.

  • Support for accessibility technology: This capability is provided by the Accessibilityapi interface.

  • Support for localization. JComponent provides technology for performing text I/O in languages other than English.

The JApplet class

JApplet is a new class used to create applets in Swing programs. Although JAppletapi is based on the old AWT Applet class, it is used a little differently. It provides input and painting mechanisms for its children -- something that the AWT Applet class did not do. It also provides other kinds of special support for applets with special requirements, such as applets that use the JLayeredPane class and the JMenuBar class.

One important characteristic of the JApplet class is that a JApplet object can have just one child: an object of a class named JRootPane.

api. When you want to display a component inside an applet, you can't simply call the add() method to add the component to your applet; instead, must call a JRootPane method called getContentPane().

Note imageFor now, you must use the swing.JApplet class instead of the applet.Applet when you want to create a Swing applet. If you don't, your applet will not repaint properly. For more details, see the JApplet entry in the "Component Gallery" article.

This section presents a table that lists and summarizes all visible UI ("J") classes that existed in Swing at press time. The table contains links that can take you to sources for more information about each component. Some brief comments about each class are also provided.

Summary of Swing's component classes

 Component  Description Comments and
information sources
JAppletapi Implements a Java applet. The root class for applets.
JButtonapi Implements a button component. Swing's basic button class.
JCheckBoxapi Implements a check-box component. A class that creates and implements check boxes.
Displays and manages a color-chooser dialog. In the swing.preview package.
 JComboBoxapi  Implements a combo-box component.  Swing's version of the AWT Choice class. See JComboBoxapi.
 JComponentapi The mother of all Swing components. Root class for most of Swing's UI classes. See JComponentapi.
 JDesktopIconapi Displays an iconified version of a JInternalFrameapi. See JDesktopIconapi.
 JDesktopPaneapi Provides a pluggable DesktopManagerapiobject for
JInternalFrameapi objects.
See JDesktopPaneapi.
 JDialogapi Adds enhancements to java.awt.Dialog. Contains a root pane as its only child; must be managed using content panes. See JDialogapi.
 JFileChooser  Implements a file-chooser dialog box. In the swing.preview package.
 JFrameapi Adds enhancements to java.awt.Frame To be covered in an upcoming issue; meanwhile,
see JFrameapi
 Implements a frame object that can be placed inside a JDesktopPaneapi object to emulate a native frame window. To be covered in an upcoming issue; meanwhile, see JInternalFrameapi and JLayeredPaneapi.  
 JLabelapi  Creates a display area for displaying read-only text, an image, or both. See JLabelapi.
 JLayeredPaneapi Can display multiple layered panes (JInternalFrameapi objects) inside a frame. To be covered in an upcoming issue; meanwhile, see JInternalFrameapi and JLayeredPaneapi
 JListapi Allows the user to select one or more objects from a list. A separate model, ListModelapi, represents the contents of the list. See JListapi.
 JMenuapi Implements a menu component. Descends from JComponentapi via JMenuItemapi.
 JMenuBarapi Implements a menu bar component. Subclasses
 JMenuItemapi Implements a menu item component. See JMenuItemapi.
 JOptionPaneapi Displays a dialog box that prompts the user for a choice and then passes that choice on to the executing program. See JOptionPaneapi.
 JPanelapi Provides a generic container for organizing other components. See  JPanel api.
 Displays a field in which the user can type a password. The text of the password does not appear in the field as it is being typed. See the  JPassword-
 JPopupMenuapi  Implements a popup menu. Subclasses
 JProgressBarapi  Implements a progress-bar component. See  JProgressBarapi.
 JRadioButtonapi  Implements a radio-button control. A new class in Swing; subclasses JToggleButtonapi.
JRadioButton- MenuItemapi  Implements a radio-button menu item. Subclasses
 JRootPaneapi  Instantiates in a single step an object made up of a glass pane, a layered pane, an optional menu bar, and a content pane.  See JRootPaneapi.
 JScrollBarapi  Implements a scroll-bar object. See  JScrollBarapi.
 JScrollPaneapi  Implements a scroll-pane object. See JScrollPaneapi.
 JSeparatorapi  Implements a menu separator object. See  JSeparatorapi.
 JSliderapi  Implements a slider-bar object. See JSliderapi.
 JSplitPaneapi Implements a split-pane component.  See  JSplitPaneapi.
 JTabbedPaneapi  Implements a tabbed-pane ("property-page") component. See  JTabbedPaneapi.
 JTableapi  Implements a table component. See the "JTable Grows Up" article
and JTableapi.
 JTextAreaapi Implements a multiline area that can display editable or read-only text. A subclass of JTextComponentapi, which subclasses JComponentapi.
 JTextPaneapi Implements a text component that can be marked up with attributes to be represented graphically. See  JTextPaneapi.
 Implements a two-stage button component. Subclasses AbstractButtonapi.
 JToolBarapi  Implements a dockable, floatable tool bar. See  JToolBarapi.
 JToolTipapi  Implements a tool-tip component (a component that can display a short string, such as the name of components or a user tip)  See  JToolTipapi.
 JTreeapi  Displays a set of hierarchical data in a graphical outline format. To be covered in an upcoming issue; meanwhile, see JTree
 JViewportapi Provides a clipped view of an arbitrarily large component. Used by JScrollPaneapi.  See the  JViewportapi.
 JWindowapi Adds enhancements to java.awt.Window. Will be the topic of a major article to be published soon; meanwhile, see JWindowapi and JRootPaneapi.
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