FAQ on Written QE in Computer Science -------------------------------------- Compiled on March 7 by Graduate Division, SoC ---------------------------------------------- 1. Basic Information -> Two papers --- Theory and Systems -> Written, Open-book, 3 hour exam for each paper -> Check the Graduate Division page for more details. http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/graduateprog/ Click on "Programme Structure" and then "PhD Qualifying Examination". 2. But all these topics may not be relevant for my research ! -> The topics covered in each of the two papers form the foundations of our discipline. -> We expect our students to develop good foundations, before building a house on top of it. 3. What if I did not take all the relevant courses in my undergraduate ? -> You can check out the reading list, and the list of topcis covered in each area. For these topics, you can do self study. -> Or you can sit through some of the corresponding undergraduate modules even though this is not necessary. -> Further, each paper has 4 areas, and the students answer any three. 4. The reading list looks formidable, one has to read 4 books for each paper !! -> Usually, solving exercises is more helpful than just taking a book and reading it. -> You can even form study groups of 2-3 people if you like. This may help, depending on your style and temparament. 5. OK, this gives us a good idea about the topics. What kind of questions can we expect? -> The questions are always long questions, not multiple-choice questions. -> In general, understanding the principles and concepts is more helpful than reading about the details. 6. That does not say much. Can we look at past year papers to get a better idea ? -> Yes, past year papers may give a general idea. But of course they do not form a definitive guide to future papers. -> You can look at the CS 5201 and CS 5202 pages to retrieve the past year papers. -> A rough analysis of the past 2 years questions on CS 5201 appears in the CS 5201 webpage. 7. I found some past year papers from the NUS Libarary website. But they do not seem to be closely related to our QE ! -> It is always best to visit the Graduate Division page and follow the links from there to get information about the exam. -> AN IMPORTANT NOTE OF CAUTION: The exam papers are also being made available from the NUS Library Website http://lib.nus.edu.sg However, if you retrieve the past year papers from here, please look at exams from 2005 onwards. In the past, the module code CS 5201 and CS 5202 was used by different modules unrelated to the QE. So, these papers are **not** relevant for QE.