------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Email sent out on Sunday, 12-Oct-2008; (also on IVLE-Announcements) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [CS5206] BAP bug... Hi to all in CS5206: I have rather bad news -- we discovered a small bug in the new BAP software that you downloaded earlier. The bug occurred when we migrated the BAP software from the old LEDA 4.1 to LEDA 6.0 and was not caught until XiangRui (student in the class) found it. It turns out that some phantom transhipments, not in the data file, were found. With XiangRui's and Melvin's help, we tracked down the bug -- it turns out that when the data structures " mTranshipment" was initialized, it was not set to all 0's, and the phantom transhipments got in there. The patch was simple -- initialize the array mTranshipment to 0 before reading the transhipment file. And this change occurs ONLY in the BAPPackage.cpp file. We have already updated the software and if you wish to download it again, then it will contain the corrected one. Actually, you only need to get the new BAPPackage.cpp file. If you are worried, then you can do a diff of the new and old to see the changes made. Sorry about this. [These kind of teething problem occurs when you migrate software/library/OS] Regards, --hon-wai (Sunday 12-Oct)