-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update from LeongHW: Another update and another "elusive" bug caught. [See the email below...] Thanks to several of you who reported this and to Melvin for tracking down the possible cause and fixing it. This particular "bug" does not show up for everyone since it is a rare occurrence and it does not affect the results of your comparative study. You can safely ignore it if it doesn't happen to you. Even if it does happen once, and your other runs are fine, it is OK too. The bug does not affect the running time of the monotone-heap. OK, if you have complete the exercise and you did NOT encounter the bug, no need to do anything! Regards, --hon-wai (Monday, 5:26pm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: g0600369@nus.edu.sg [mailto:g0600369@nus.edu.sg] Sent: Monday, 15 September, 2008 2:13 PM Subject: IVLE8: [CS5206] CS5206: Error with m_heap in leda1 package Sometimes when you run LEDADijkstra2 there may be an error with the m_heap. If you encounter this error, you can re-download the leda1_fixed.tar.gz package from http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~cs5206/2008/LEDA-Project/LEDA-Assign/leda1_fixed.tar.gz Thanks to Dawei Qi, Xu Yin and Felix Halim for reporting the bug. Sorry for the inconvenience. Regards, Melvin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: dcslhw@nus.edu.sg [mailto:dcslhw@nus.edu.sg] Sent: Friday, 12 September, 2008 6:11 PM Subject: IVLE8: [CS5206] [CS5206] New version of LEDADijkstra[1+2]... Hi to all: As some of you may have noticed, we have just updated the LEDADijkstra1 and 2. The reason is that we discovered that LEDA has changed the default implementation for priority-queues in LEDA6.0 -- from f-heap to bin-heap. Yes, it's the simple priority-queue that is array-based and was covered in my lecture notes (and it was used in Heapsort). The running times should, therefore, all change. But in the LEDA manual documentation, only the name of the data structure was changed, but the running times were NOT appropriately changed! (Xu Yin discovered this mistake in the documentation.) As a result of this, in our implementations of LEDADijkstra 1 and 2, the choice 0 (which uses default implementation of priority queue) was *actually* min-heap and not F-Heap! So, we have corrected that. We modified all the codes accordingly and have re-do a zip file of everything. The links to the LEDA project page has been updated. Please go get the newer versions. Sorry for the trouble caused. And thanks go to Xu Yin for alerting us of the change, and to Melvin for making the appropriate changes. And a happy weekend to all of you. Regards, --hon-wai (Friday)