Note: The marks in this table are raw marks, except for the Total. They have not been weighted with the specific weight (e.g., the Midterm Exam counts for 35% of the final Total, the Project counts for 40% and Participation counts for 5%.).

The average of the Midterm Exam is 71.42.

Example solutions of the Midterm Exam can be found here.

Matric No. Quiz1 Quiz2 Midterm Exam Project Part. Total
A0094159W 8 10 87 34.75 8 81.25
A0082200B 8 8 68 45.58 6 80.02
A0079830X 9 6.5 60 40.5 7 73.28
A0094275X 9.5 10 73 38.17 5 78.71
A0082197X 6.5 8 58 37.17 8 69.53
A0082329A 4 10 60 34.25 8 67.4
A0082205R 8.5 9.5 79 36.08 6 78.27
A0082223R 6 5 57 45.58 8 72.42
A0082245J 10 10 91 45.58 7 92.69
A0095695J 9.5 8 77 38.75 8 80.45
A0080642L 8.5 10 87 41 8 86.75
A0082342M 4 8 81 43 6 78.5
A0091286Y 9 9.5 72 34.58 8 76.37
A0082219H 4 8 72 40.92 7 74.31
A0082218J 7 8 75 38.75 8 77.25
A0082227J 10 10 63 37.17 8 76.78
A0068206H 7.5 10 81 41 7 83.03
A0094180H 10 9 74 34.58 8 77.57
A0095689A 9.5 10 85 38.75 8 85.25
A0082282H 10 10 91 41 8 89.65
A0079831W 9 7.5 71 40.5 8 78.75
A0082771B 5 9 68 34.17 8 70.13
A0092546Y 9 10 70 39.92 8 80.43
A0096027A 7.5 7 60 36.08 7 68.74
A0102809L 9.5 10 57 40.5 8 76.85
A0094134J 10 8 74 38.17 6 78.18
A0090764Y 6 7 64 34.75 8 68.2
A0092748R 3.5 8 61 37.17 3 64.46
A0094281A 6 0 81 36.08 6 66.97
A0065931A 1.5 8 50 40.92 8 64.73
A0079679B 10 9.5 73 40.92 8 82.78
A0096025H 9.5 10 80 39.92 8 84.43
A0094308A 9 9 66 38.17 8 76.63
A0082160R 9.5 6 69 34.25 8 72.05
A0079637M 10 10 79 39.92 8 84.58
A0082222U 3 7 64 34.17 7 64.11
A0082370L 6 10 73 43 8 80.95
A0090762A 3 5 64 34.17 8 62.73

Note: The marks in this table are raw marks. They have not been weighted with the specific weight (e.g., the Midterm Exam counts for 35% of the final Total.).