Solution: Who's ploemp?

The code...

%% Zweistein 18/96

proc {Ploemp Root}
   A F G J B H D E
   Root = sol(arpus:A flutz:F gnutz:G alte_jauze:J dumme_blonse:B
              hockerprotz:H drulf:D ebradulp:E)
   Root ::: 0#1
   % If (A and (neither F nor G)) then (not J)
   {FD.impl {FD.conj A {FD.exor F G}} {FD.nega J} 1} 
   % If (G oder A) then (B and (not H))
   {FD.impl {FD.disj G A} {FD.conj B {FD.nega H }} 1}
   % If F then (B and (not D))
   {FD.impl F {FD.conj B {FD.nega D}} 1}
   % If (not D) then J
   {FD.impl {FD.nega D} J 1}
   % If (not J) then (not G)
   {FD.impl {FD.nega J} {FD.nega G} 1}
   % If E then D
   {FD.impl E D 1}
   % If (not A) then (not D)
   {FD.impl {FD.nega A} {FD.nega D} 1}
   % If J then H
   {FD.impl J H 1}
   % If (not E) then ((not J) and G)
   {FD.impl {FD.nega E} {FD.conj {FD.nega J} G} 1}
   {FD.distribute ff Root}

{ExploreAll Ploemp}
It turns out that Arpus, Drulf, the dumb Blondo and Ebradulp are ploemp.

Markus Löckelt