IT1001/GEM1511K Introduction to Computing


Tutorial 1



  1. How has IT changed the lives of knowledge workers?


  1. List the Internet Service Providers in Singapore.



  1. There was a big controversy in the Year 2000 US presidential voting. What would be different if computerized balloting was used instead? Discuss.


  1. List as many computer related measurement terms as possible, e.g. MB, bps, dpi and state where these terminologies are used.


  1. Database has penetrated our daily life. Name the database systems or applications you have come across since the school started.     


  1. Distinguish between system software and application software.  Give at least 2 examples for each. Give examples of application software that you are interested and the features that you would like to learn.


  1. China's government said it will invest in Red Flag Software, China's largest Linux software developer…” (Bloomberg News, March 20, 2001). Suggest reasons for choosing Linux operating system over Microsoft Windows. Discuss the impact of her move.