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Homework #1 is over. See the scoreboard for information on the ranking of submissions.

Homework #1 - Pipe dream

(Adapted from the original Japanese arcade game in 1990)

For this homework, you will implement a game playing agent to play the solitaire game, Pipe Dream. In Pipe Dream, the goal is to lay pipe to divert ooze from a gushing sewer main break into a system of pipes to keep it from leaking out as long as possible. Your score is the final determiner of whether your agent does well or not.

The board is a 7x7 grid in which a pipe tile can be placed in a square. The pipe tiles can be placed anywhere on the grid and come in seven different configurations: a vertical pipe, a horizontal pipe, a cross (a vertical and horizontal pipe stacked together) and four elbow pipes. Pipe tiles are provided one at a time, in some order. In addition to knowing the current piece to be placed, the agent has access to the queue of the next 4 tiles to be placed. The source of the ooze originates from the center tile, going towards the top.

The initial layout at time 0.

At time t=0 through t=6, no ooze emerges from the center source tile. Subsequently, after 3 units of time, the ooze will go through a single pipe tile. Ooze can be directed through cross pipe in both directions. The grid's edge is the boundary; any pipe ends facing edges can not be connected to additional pipe.

The ooze is starting to flow, at time 6. If there is no suitable tile above the source tile by t=9, the game is over.

At each time unit, the agent can do one of the following actions, all of which take a unit of time to perform:

At time 18, this agent has laid some pipe, and waited at some time units.

Note: You cannot directly discard a pipe tile; you must place in on an available spot on the grid and then destroy it. If your module specifies to do an action which is invalid, a unit time will also elapse.

The game ends when the ooze spills out of the pipe (because your agent didn't lay an appropriate at the outflow coordinate, or because the flow ran off the edge of the grid, or because the entire grid is filled with pipe. The agent's goal is the maximize its final score (the score is the agent's utility).

Your agent's score can be calculated by the following:

Note that tiles laid but un-oozed through do not factor into the agent's score whatsoever.


Your agent will play this game by way of a single Java class which will extend the abstract class, Player. Most significantly, the Player class has the public method, play(). play() takes a single argument Driver d, an instance of the Driver class, which will enable you to get the state of the game components: the queue, the board and information about the next ooze.

play() will return an Action object, that encodes the agent's action and, when applicable, its coordinates. The class Action, has the following methods:

Note that the valid values for the X and Y coordinates will not check whether the action would actually be valid. It is your responsibility to generate an agent that constructs a valid Action object.

Queue pieces are represented by tiles which take on character values: one of the following characters seven characters: '+' <cross piece>, '|' <vertical pipe>, '-' <horizontal pipe>, or 'q' <tile with left and up outlets>, 'e' <pipe with up and right outlets>,'c' <right and down outlets>, or 'z' <down and left outlets> (it may be helpful to visualize this on a QWERTY keyboard with 's' in the center).

The Board will have two additional types of pieces that can appear: ' ' <empty space>, '\'' <starting tile, with ooze coming out northwards>.

For convenience, in implementing the agent class, you may also call the following accessor methods to get the state of the game, through the Driver class instance:

Additional accessor and print methods are available to you in this assignment. The full documentation for the java package is available. Examine the contents carefully. Also available to you is a sample class,, that also shows how to compile your agent into an actual game execution.

Getting a feel for the assignment

Well, by all means you have to play the game a bit to get an idea of what type of heuristics and search might be useful. You can try my implementation of the Strategic Pipe Dreams Framework. It'll probably one of the few times you can tell your parents that you must play games in order to do your homework!

Compiling and submitting the assignment

When the pipedream package is released, you'll have to do the following things to compile and run the package.

To compile, you'll need the pipedream.jar (Version 1.1, updated Mon Jan 26 18:38:21 GMT-8 2004) and the directory where you have your implementation of the MyPlayer class in your classpath. Assuming is in the current directory:

javac -classpath .:pipedream.jar

To execute the game you have to do something similar:

java -cp .:pipedream.jar MyPlayer

You should submit your working version of the agent by the midnight on the due date, 4 Feb. The IVLE workbin will accept late submissions. Late submissions are subject the the late submission policy (read carefully). Your class should be named MyPlayer and should present in a file named Your work should be done independently; see our classes' section on Academic Honesty Policy if you have questions about what that entails.

Min-Yen Kan <> Created on: Mon Dec 1 19:36:22 2003 | Version: 1.0 | Last modified: Sat Feb 14 13:11:02 2004