Major Project Components

Major Project Components

Analysis Phase:
This phase encompasses the initial set of project requirements. Assessment of the capabilities of the team members and environment should be made during this phase. The problem description and requirements should be refined until there are no ambiguities or misunderstandings between the group and the customer. The software project plan and analysis document should be products of this phase. The user manual should begin in this phase and continue to evolve until its completion during the implementation phase.

Design Phase:
This phase encompasses the system and object design based on the requirements. Detailed information for the object classes will need to be produced. Interfaces between the different objects will need to be established during this phase. The system design document and object design document should be products of this phase of the development process.

Project Implementation and Testing Phase:
Given the system and object design, the implementation and testing (and necessary corrections) of the system are handled in this phase. The code and demonstration should be products of this phase.

Project Documentation:
Documentation for all components of the project must be produced, including the project plan, analysis document, system design document, object design document, annotation of code with comments, the final user manual, and the final report.

Dr. Betty Cheng
Fri Jan 19 17:07:41 EST 1996