============================================ UIT2201 (Fall 2013) Class Project Presentation Showcase @USP-SR2 Wed, 20-Nov-2013 12:00am -- 05:00pm (Break: 2:05--2:30pm) ============================================ IMPORTANT: Have your laptop charged, and started up, and do all necessary demo settings while waiting for your turn to do presentation. (You may want to test the laptop and setting in SR2 beforehand.) PRESENTATION AND/OR DEMO: When you come for your presentation, bring along your laptop in order to demo the final system. Use ppt or other means to FIRST EXPLAIN WHAT your project does. Then only do your demo. For your demo, may be good for you to prepare a script for yourself as you do the demo. Prepare to run thru your advanced features to demonstrate the "power"/strength of your project. ============================== Schedule: ============================== Wednesday, 20-Nov-2013 -------------------------------------------------------- 12:00--12:20pm Introduction, Briefing and Photo-Taking -------------------------------------------------------- 12:20--12:45pm T07: Katrina Tan May Tan, Jennifer Yip Yuk Lum, Elsie Cheruba UIT2201 Revision Quiz (in Scratch) -------------------------------------------------------- 12:45--01:10pm T06: Jolene Lau ShiYing, Bernadine Lim AiWen Rush Hour with Scratch -------------------------------------------------------- 01:10--01:35pm T08: Gloria Shi Guang, Emerlyne Teo Jia Wei The Food Diary with Scratch -------------------------------------------------------- 01:35--02:00pm T09: Qiao Liang, Yang KaiYuan Scratch Multimedia Project: The Bright Side of The Wire -------------------------------------------------------- 02:00--02:25pm T10: Koh Zi Chun Problematic Problems in CS: The Two Generals' Problem -------------------------------------------------------- 02:25--02:50pm BREAK BREAK BREAK -------------------------------------------------------- 02:50--03:15pm T11: Joe Chee Seng Hong NetworkViz (Learning Distributed Systems via Vizualiztion) -------------------------------------------------------- 03:15--03:40pm T05: Tok Kheng Leng, Ang Cheng Koon Financial-InfoPack -------------------------------------------------------- 03:40--04:05pm T04: Mark Tang WeiGang, Tan Xin Ru Fit (IN) : Grab your Game and Stay Healthy Today -------------------------------------------------------- 04:05--04:30pm T02: Talia Seet Shwen Lee, Ho ShuYuan Logic Circuits with Scratch! -------------------------------------------------------- 04:30--04:55pm T01: Gregory Chew Bo Wen, Samuel Lim Yong En Kitty Pong -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- RECEIVED REQUESTS: Katrina: earlier slots; Talia: later slots; Kheng Leng: later slots; after 1:30pm;