UIT2201: Computer Science and Information Technology Revolution
USP (Univ Scholars Programme), NUS

Course Information (Fall 2014)


Instructor: Prof. Leong Hon Wai Email/FB: leonghw@comp.nus.edu.sg
Office: Blk COM1, Rm 03-17; Tel: +65 6516-2903;

Lecture, Tutorials, Consultations

Lectures: Wed 10am-12nn @USP-SR1
Tutorials: Fri 10am-12nn
Fri 02am-04pm
Group 1
Group 2
Consultation: Wed 12-1pm
Thu 1-2pm
(else email me for appt)
@COM1 #03-17
JAR = Joint-Appointee Room

Quizzes and Exams

Quiz 1: 08-Oct-2014, Wed (Proposed) 7-8pm TBA (Email instructor if you have conflicts!)
Exam: 25-Nov, Tue PM @TBA

Assessment: (Tentative, to be finalized later...)

    Participation 5% Quiz I 20%
    Tutorials 20% Finals 30%
    Project 25% Total 100%

Required TextBook:

The required textbook for the course is.

  • [SG] "An invitation to computer science", (6th Edition),
    G. Michael Schneider, and Judith L. Gersting, Thompson, 2012,
    ISBN: 978-1-1331-9082-0
    [Note: This is the first time we will use this latest 6th edition.]

    (It will soon be available at the Forum-Coop.)
    [ I got a special discounted price from the book publisher.] [Price at Amazon -- | here | ]

    Book available at CL-RBR (older edition) --- url-here.

  • Reference List:

    The following three books gives you more information on the IT Revolution.

  • "Computer Science, an Overview," 8/E, J. Glenn Brookshear, Addison Wesley, 2005, ISBN: 0-3212-4726-4.
  • "Great Ideas in Computer Science," (2nd Edition), Alan W Biermann, MIT Press, (1997) ISBN: 0-262-52223-3.
  • "The New Turing Omnibus: 66 Excursions in Computer Science," A. K. Dewdney, Computer Science Press, W. H. Freeman and Company, (1993), ISBN: 0-7167-8271-5. ISBN: 978-0805071665

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