[Lecture Notes by Prof Yuen and possibly others 2000-2001] From the previous lesson: ... A computer is a machine with various boxes; one of these is the memory box that contains all the data, which it can identify by name (actually by addresses but we wont discuss such details here); the other is the arithmetic unit which can receive data and produce results of various operations like +, x, etc., but you first have to pull the data out of the memory box and send them to the arithmetic box, and send back the results ... History of the PC ----------------- About 30 years ago a small company near San Jose, California, produced a small computer processor called Intel 4004: it has an arithmetic unit able to combine two 4-bit numbers (i.e., 0 to 15) to produce a 4 (actually 5) bit result. and it can pull out and send back 4-bit numbers from a small memory box attached to it or along some communication lines that connect to other kinds of boxes, such as a light output device that shows a numeral 0 to 9 given four bits 0000 to 1001. Compared with the computers being produced then by IBM, the processing power of this machine is tiny; what makes it significant is that it was fabricated on a single piece of silicon, rather than a whole circuit board or even a rack of circuit boards that other computer processors must have. Among the earliest customers of Intel 4004 were the Japanese calculator companies: the 4004 can take two decimal numbers, two digits at a time, combine them, and then work on the next digits; it takes 100 operations to add two 10 digit numbers, multiplication takes longer, and division much longer still, but since it can do a few thousand operations per second, it is fast enough for calculators. With a few memory modules, also fabricated on small pieces of silicon, to contain the calculator program plus a bit of data, and 10 number displays, the whole unit can be packaged into a small box with 20 buttons that could be sold for a couple hundred US$. Other simple applications were quickly found, e.g., a 4004 can be put into a washing machine to read the dial and switch settings, and turn on/off hot/cold water, fast/slow agitation, dirty water pump, spin, etc. Not only was Intel making money; it could also re-invest to make faster and bigger processors, like 8-bit instead of 4-bit, then 16, 32 and 64 bit processors. Today the Pentium 3 can crunch several hundred million 64-bit numbers per second, the result of 30 years of continuing development at making electronic circuits smaller and more reliable, and better machines to design and build more complex devices on silicon. The idea that you can build a small computer with such a processor quickly arose, to make cheaper versions of the laboratory, minicomputers then avail- able. However, merely replacing the existing processors by a smaller and cheaper one would not produce much benefit, since the cost of a computer lies much more in the accessories: memory, disk, terminal, operating system, application software... The new processors only make sense as part of a computer in which everything has been downsized, and the system serves new markets not being met by the then available small computers like PDP11: the home hobbyists. The breakthrough made by Apple Computers lies not so much in recognizing the market, but in knowing how to do this downsizing to meet the market. The Applie II computer consisted of a small B/W TV set sitting on top of a keyboard with its casing extended in the rear direction to create space for a floppy disk unit and a circuit board holding the processor, memory and device control components, including one that emitted a VHF signal that went into the TV antenna line and causes letters and numberals to appear on the screen. Except for the motherboard and the casing, every component was a mass produced, off the shelf part that served a variety of customers. For software, Microsoft, a small Seattle company owned by two Harvard drop- outs, was able to supply a simple Basic compiler which had already been used on a number of hobbyist machines, and a California company called Digital Research supplied a system called CP/M that accepts a few simple commands that allow files to be maintained on the disk and a particular program you choose to be started from the keyboard. Around 1980, when the market was already dominated by Apple, IBM decided to get into the act, in a light hearted way: one development lab had put together an experimental machine; when asked at a meeting, the manager said it could be turned into a commercial product in a year, and was immediately ordered to do that by his superior. A hurried effort to find an operating system for the machine had to be made, and after failing to get negotation even started with Digital Research (which was recommended to them by Microsoft because of their better expertise in OS) over some non-disclosure agreements, IBM offered generous terms to Microsoft to do the work. A Seattle computer hobbyshop owner was found to have written a system that runs on the processor (Intel 8088) that IBM was using, and the rights were bought by Microsoft, which named it MS-DOS. IBM neither demanded ownership of MS-DOS, nor patented the circuit board and packaging designs of the PC, as it did not think the market would be lucrative. IBM also released all technical information during the development, so that software companies could provide programs the users might need even before the system was released. From the very start, the ready availability of software was an important advantage of the IBM PC. At first, the new PC was the machine for secretaries: they could do word processing and email on it, and play some games in their spare time. One particular piece of software, Lotus 123, caused the machine to be put on the desk of their bosses: the simple spread sheet began to be used for project planning and presentations at meetings. Once the machines were there, people also found it convenient to send their own emails, access mainframes, and store files and data on them. The PC started to cause real changes in people's work habits, and generated its own mementum for greater use of technology and information. Four trends already present became accelerated. First, machines had to become much easier to use because more and more users were not professional programmers, often unfamiliar with technology at all. Second, the PCs had little processing capacity of their own, but they could format a processing request to another machine according to that machine's requirements and get back the results for the PC user to see, so called client-server computing. (Previously, a small machine pretended to be part of the bigger machine to allow the user access, but that requires a knowledge of how the bigger machine works. Client server computing puts the responsibility on the client machine, the PC.) Third, the spare capacity of the client machine may be devoted to the nice packaging and presentation of the information obtained from the server, and allows the use of multi-media presentations that deploy sound and video facilities on the PC. Finally, the PC itself may have just the basic software, but embedded software may be brought back together with the data, and be used in the presentation of the information to the user. Along with this, you could also bring back cookies, which collect information about your activities, and viruses, which try to wipe out your system, but these came later. In the mean time, other computer companies realized that, since the technical details of the PC were readily available, and nothing was patented, it was open to anyone to make cheap copies or better versions of the IBM PC, which must however have the MS-DOS before they could do anything, and so they paid Microsoft a license for every machine sold. PC clones began to flood the market, greatly benefiting Microsoft while leaving IBM in the cold. A fundamental power shift had ocurred. IBM tried to recapture the PC by developing new models with different hardware design and new operating system (PS2/OS2), but its usual method of offering complete lines of machines attracting users with variety, sophistication and good service into accepting high cost, no longer worked, because the PC and earlier machines had established a different set of user expectations for cost performance. Users stuck to their cheap MS-DOS machines, and then put the new Microsoft Windows system on them. Knowing that processor and memory capacities kept growing while costs dropped, Microsoft kept pushing out software that required bigger and bigger machines, inducing users to upgrade their hardware, collecting a license fee for each new machine. It became the world's most profitable company on turnovers that is only a fraction of those of other IT companies. The four technology trends cumulated in the web computer: you can put all kinds of information on your computer and wait for others to come and access it, and you can send along the software that will run in their machines to help them look at your information. But who want to make their information freely available and take all that trouble to make it readable by others? Curiously, there are many many such people, including myself. The motivation for this generosity varies. Some do it as part of their job to educate or do propaganda; others do it as part of a marketing strategy. For example, your might put news and entertainment material on your machine for free access, in order to get users to look at advertisements, which bring you income. If your site is very popular, people might even pay you to provide information through your machine, to get a larger audience. The idea of actually selling goods on the web came along soon. In USA, people already have a tradition to buy things by mail order (people lived in remote farms in the past), many have credit/atm cards with electronic fund transfer features, and several delivery companies operate world wide. You can therefore offer to sell goods on your website, get paid by electronic fund transfer, and deliver the goods using a courier service. Since this is so easy to do, far more business, and far more information, are being offered on the web than there are consumers to use them. It led inevitably to the crash of 2000. The current situation is that we still have a flood of PCs that get bigger and cheaper by the day, and anyone with a PC can sign up with an internet service provider like AOL getting onto the web, find information through a portal/search engine like Yahoo or Google, and do business with companies like Amazon. All four kinds of companies have valid business models, but they are all in actually low profit margin businesses: the profit Compag makes on each home PC is probably less than the delivery charge, while Yahoo makes $20,000 a day from the millions of pages it delivers to its users. Amazon is still burning through hundreds of millions a year paying for huge warehouses and distributions network, with each book sold giving a small profit. In short, each company can only hope to make a profit by working hard for a very large number of widely dispersed customers, which they reach through technology. Despite the recent history, there is no easy money to be made in the web business itself, only in speculation relating to them but that is an entirely different kind of business. Coming back to the PC again, you can buy a computer on the web, since it is small enough to deliver by courier, and the pieces are standard: a monitor (15"? 17"?), keyboard, network card, windows license... Michael Dell, while still an undergrad student at Austin, realized that he could set up a company specializing in this way of selling PCs: you keep a minimum set of components, and assemble the machine after the order arrives and payment is confirmed, and then deliver the machine. With low cost and high profit margin, which allowed constant reinvestment to expand his operation to meet a rising demand, in a few years he was a billionaire. Yet he too had to contend with adverse conditions in 2000: others learned to compete, and his operation depends on having a large assembly capacity so that it can meet even peak demands quickly, which means it is not well adapted to downturns or just expansion at a slower rate than original plan. (See Fortune article in October 2000 issue.) It is now said that instead of general purpose PCs, the future lies in web appliances that do not require disk storage nor the complex software and expensive windows licenses, and in numerous mobile units integrated with wireless phones. PCs will return to the more traditional role of computers, as servers that do the actual processing and data maintenance, while the user interface is taken over by the smaller, cheaper and more mobile devices, which depend on the information supplier to provide the data and most of the programs needed to use the data; dumber machines that remotely acquire their intelligence.