UIT2201: Tutorial Set 10 (Spring 2013)
(Solution Sketch to Selected Problems)

T10-D2: (Pick Up Sticks -- Game Strategy) [SOLUTION SKETCH]

[Idea: Work backwards from small numbers]
    D0: If there is 1 stick for your opponent, then s/he loses.
  Imagine if is your opponent's turn: 
    D1: if there are 5 sticks, then s/he loses. 
        (if opponent choose y, you choose (4 - y) and guarantee D0.)
    To guarantee condition D1 for your opponent, you should...
    D2: Leave your opponent with 9 = 5 + 4 sticks. 
        (if opponent choose y, you choose (4 - y) and guarantee D1.)
    If you continue this, then you will see that you will need to
    leave your opponent with 4k + 1 sticks.

T10-D3: (PROLOG and Knowledge-Based System) Practice Problem 1,2,3 of Ch.9.4.2 of [SG3].
   (i) ?-before(jefferson, kennedy)     Answer: FALSE
  (ii) ?-president(X, lewis_and_clark)  Answer: X=jefferson
    [Note: For both the above, we just match with the knowledge base.]
 (iii) ?-precedes(jefferson, X)         
           Answer: X={lincoln, fdr, kennedy, nixon}  
   Working for (iii):  [to get the answer, need inference engine]
           +--> R1: before(jefferson,X)  Gives: X=lincoln
           +--> R2: [before(jefferson,Z) and precedes(Z,X)]
                      substitute Z=lincoln
                   [before(jefferson,lincoln) and precedes(lincoln,X)]

           +--> R1: before(lincoln,X)  Gives: X=fdr
           +--> R2: [before(lincoln,W) and precedes(W,X)];  subs W=fdr
                   [before(lincoln,fdr) and precedes(fdr,X)]
       precedes(fdr,X)]  (shortened working)
           +--> R1: before(fdr,X)  Gives: X=kennedy
           +--> R2: [before(fdr,kennedy) and precedes(kennedy,X)]

           +--> R1: before(kennedy,X)  Gives: X=nixon
           +--> R2: [before(kennedy,nixon) and precedes(nixon,X)]

           +--> R1: before(nixon,X)    No solution for X
           +--> R2: [before(nixon,S) and precedes(S,X)]  No-soln-for-S

       [Note the recursive application of the rule R2 in the above.]

T10-D4: (Rule-based System for Road Network) -- [SOLUTION SKETCH]

First define the knowledge based-system:
  (a) a knowledge/fact base
  (b) rules (or production rules)

Knowledge Base:
  Junction(X) to represent junction X and
  Road(X,Y) to represent road from junction X to Y;

Junction(A), Junction(B), ... , Junction(E) Road(A,B), Road (A,D), Road(B,A), Road(B,C), Road(B,D), Road(C,B), Road(D,E), Road(E,C), Road(E,D) Rules: Note: Use Path(X,Y) to denote there is a path from X to Y; The definition of Path(X,Y) is recursive! (Analogy/Inspiration: A journey of a 1000 miles begins with 1 step!) R1: Path(X,Y) if Road(X,Y) //(base case) direct connection R2: Path(X,Y) if Road(X,Z) and Path(Z,Y) //connection via Z; Queries: (which we can now answer...) -------- Then, the query: ?Road(B,C) Answer: TRUE ?Road(B,F) Answer: FALSE ?Road(X,E) Answer: X=D X=F To answer the query* ?Path(A,E), we need to invoke the rules: (Note: We always invoke the base case rule (R1) first. Else, we may run into infinite loop of expansions! Try it.) ?Path(A,E) R1 / or \ R2 / \ ?Road(A,E) Road(A,z)-and-Path(z,E) false; / \ /z=B z=D\ / \ Road(A,B)-and-?Path(B,E) Road(A,D)-and-?Path(D,E) true R1 / or \ R2 true R1| or \R2 / \ | Road(D,s)-and-?Path(s,E) ?Road(B,E) Road(B,x)-and-?Path(x,E) ?Road(D,E) |(no solution here) false; | \ true |x=C \x=D Soln: Road(A,D),Road(D,E) | \ Road(B,C)-and-?Path(C,E) Road(B,D)-and-?Path(D,E) true | true R1/ or \ R2 (more steps...) / \ (but no solution) / Road(D,w)-and-?Path(w,E) ?Road(D,E) |(No solution here) True Soln: Road(A,B),Road(B,D),Road(D,E) Summary: Answer: Road(A,B), Road(B,E) Answer: Road(A,B), Road(B,D), Road(D,E) *Now, you should work out the assigned query: ?Path(A,F)

T10-Q1: (10 points) (eight-puzzle) (SOLUTION SKETCH)
                                 1 2
        |                         |                         |
        12                       152                       12 
       453                       4 3                       453
       786                       786                       786
        |                         |                         |
        |            +------------+------------+            | 
        |            |            |            |            |
       412          152          152          152          123
        53           43          483          43           45 
       786          786          7 6          786          786
        |            |            |            |            | 
     +--+--+      +--+--+      +--+--+      +--+--+      +--+--+ 
     |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |      |     |
    412   412     52   152    152   152    15    152    123   123
    753   5 3    143   743    483   483    432   436    4 5   456
     86   786    786    86     76   76     786   78     786   78

Goal state is reachable in three moves! 
   1 2      12       123     123
   453 ---> 453 ---> 45  --> 456
   786      786      786     78  

T10-Q2: (5 points) (Are Vending Machine Smart?) -- SOLUTION SKETCH
(a) Vending machine is hard-wired to respond to button presses -- each button press is hard-wired to activate a particular "disposal tray" in the machine to dispense the "product". When a button is pressed, the machine has no idea whatsoever what the user wants, or what physical product is being dispensed.
(b) One simple test will be to jumble up the labels of the buttons; Another is to jumble up the products in the different disposal tray. Then it will be very clear that the when a given button is pressed, the machine has no idea which product will actually be dispensed.
Or worse, for each "disposal tray" put in a random mix of "products"!

T10-Q3: (10 points) (Rule-based Systems) -- SOLUTION SKETCH
(a) Family Tree -- DIY. (Be careful with left for LChild, and right for RChild.)
(b) NO; X=Ruby; Y=David, Y=Diana
(c)   Descendant(X,Y) if Child(X,Y)
    Descendant(X,Y) if Child(X,Z) and Descendant (Z,Y)

(d) YES; W=Mary, W=Bill; Z=Ruby, Z=Diana, Z=John

UIT2201: CS & IT Revolution; (Spring 2013); A/P Leong HW