Loading Data


Direct-load Insert

Loading Data with SQL*Loader


There are a few methods for loading data into tables in Oracle. Some covered in this section are:

Direct-load Insert

A direct-load insert can be invoked by using the APPEND hint, as shown in the command below:

    INSERT /*+APPEND*/ INTO <table name> [[NO]LOGGING] sub-query;

where sub-query is used to retrieve the desired data.

The LOGGING mode is enabled by default which generates the redo log entries, making complete recovery possible in case of failures.

For example, the following command inserts all existing data in table OLD_EMPLOYEE into table EMPLOYEE.

    SQL> INSERT /*+APPEND*/ INTO employee NOLOGGING  SELECT * FROM old_employee;

Loading Data with SQL*Loader

SQL*Loader loads data from external files into Oracle tables. Some of its features are:

Some files used by SQL*Loader include:

The SQL*Loader can be executed from the command line or invoked with GUI from Oracle Enterprise Manager which is NOT covered in this guide.

For example, the following command invokes the program named "sqlload" with the user id set to wanghao, (the password will be prompted interactively) and control file set to point.ctl, data file set to data.sql, and log file set a.log.

    $ sqlload userid=wanghao control=point.ctl log=a.log data=data.sql

The contents of control file point.ctl are:

(ID, D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, D9)

The control file instructs SQL*Loader to load into table POINTS the data whose fields are separated by colon ';'. It also tells the the order of table columns to be inserted.

The data file data.sql is a plain text file in which each line is a record. Some sample portions of the file are:

