Process Analysis Toolkit  (PAT) 3.5 Help  
Dining Philosophers Example

In this tutorial, we use the dining philosopher example, which traditionally is a classic CSP model, to demonstrate how to model and verify systems. The model uses CSP features like alphabetized parallel composition. Moreover, in order to prove property of the system, a number of fairness constraints are involved. 

The following is the problem description.

In 1971, Edsger Dijkstra set an examination question on a synchronization problem where five computers competed for access to five shared tape drive peripherals. Soon afterwards the problem was retold by Tony Hoare as the dining philosophers' problem. The five philosophers sit at a circular table with a large bowl of spaghetti in the center. A fork is placed in between each philosopher, and as such, each philosopher has one fork to his or her left and one fork to his or her right. As spaghetti is difficult to serve and eat with a single fork, it is assumed that a philosopher must eat with two forks. The philosopher can only use the fork on his or her immediate left or right. It is further assumed that the philosophers are so stubborn that a philosopher only put down the forks after eating. The problem is generalized as N philosophers sitting around a round table.

There are several interesting properties about the problem. One is a dangerous possibility of deadlock when every philosopher holds a left fork and waits perpetually for a right fork. The other is starvation. A philosopher may starve for different reasons, e.g., system deadlock, greedy neighbor, etc. In the following, we model the problem in PAT.

#define N 5;

The above defines a global constant named N, of value 5, which denotes the number of philosophers. Next, we model each object in the system as one process. There are two sets of objects, i.e., the philosophers and the forks.

Phil(i) = get.i.(i+1)%N -> get.i.i -> eat.i -> put.i.(i+1)%N -> put.i.i -> Phil(i);

We assume that the philosophers and forks are numbered from 0 to N-1, as shown in the figure. The above models a philosopher. Phil is the process name and i is a process parameter which informally denotes the i-th philosopher. Event get.i.(i+1)%N models the event of i-th philosopher picking up the fork on his right hand side. % is the standard mod operator. Event get.i.i models the event of i-th philosopher picking up the fork on his left hand side. Event eat.i models the event of i-th philosopher eating. Event put.i.(i+1)%N models the event of putting down the fork from the right hand side. Event put.i.i models the event of putting down the fork from the left hand side.  Informally speaking, the philosopher picks up the forks, eats, and then puts down the forks. We remark all these events have no attached program, and hence, they may serve as synchronization barriers. Notice that an event name may be composed of process parameters or even global variables. 

Fork(x) = get.x.x -> put.x.x -> Fork(x) [] get.(x-1)%N.x -> put.(x-1)%N.x -> Fork(x);

The above models the other objects in the system, namely the forks. At the top level, the process is modeled using a (external) choice "[]". Informally, it states that the fork can be picked up by the philosopher on the left or the one on the right. Notice that the events shared the same name with those in process Phil(i).

College() = ||x:{0..N-1}@(Phil(x)||Fork(x));

The above models the system. "||" is the parallel composition operator. The above is equivalent to the following: Phil(0) || Fork(0) || Phil(1) || Fork(1) || ... || Phil(N-1) || Fork(N-1). The semantics of the "||" operator is that all processes execute in parallel. What's more, if an event (without attached program) is shared by multiple processes (i.e., the process's alphabet contains this event), then all those processes must synchronize on the event. For instance, the event get.0.1 can only occur when process Phil(0) and process Fork(1) both engage in the event.  

Implementation() = College() \{get.0.0,get.0.1,put.0.0,put.0.1,eat.1,get.1.1,get.1.2,put.1.1,


The above defines a process which behaves exactly as process College() excepts that all events but eat.0 are hidden. The operator "\" reads as "hide".

Specification() = eat.0 -> Specification();

The above defines a process which repeatedly engages in event eat.0. Its role will be explained in detail later. The above completes the modeling of the system. Next, we analyze the system by asserting different properties.

#assert College() deadlockfree;

The above asserts that process College() is deadlock-free, where "deadlockfree" is a reserved keyword. A system is deadlock-free if and only if the system will never enter a state while there is no further moves.

#assert College() |= []<> eat.0;

The above asserts that process College() satisfies the LTL property which reads "always eventually eat.0 is engaged". Or equivalently, the 0-th philosopher shall not starve to death. Notice that instead of a proposition, an event is used as part of the LTL. We found that this is particularly useful for event-based specifications.

#assert Implementation() refines Specification();

The above demonstrates a different kind of assertion. Instead of using LTL, it asserts that process Implementation() (traces) refines process Specification(). In other words, all traces  of process Implementation() must be allowed by process Specification(). Because the only traces of Specification() are finite sequences of event eat.0. This assertion simply states that it is possible in process Implementation() that the 0-philosopher eats (possibly infinitely). Notice there is a range of other refinement relationships as well.  

We are now ready to verify the system. Open the Verifier (by clicking Verification or pressing F7) and double-click the first assertion: "#assert College() deadlockfree;". The following message is printed in the output window.

********Verification Result********
     The Assertion (College() deadlockfree) is NOT valid.
     The following trace leads to a deadlock situation.
     <init -> get.0.1 -> get.0.0 -> eat.0 -> put.0.1 -> get.1.2 -> get.1.1 -> eat.1 -> put.0.0 -> get.4.0 -> put.1.2 -> get.2.3 -> put.1.1 -> get.0.1 -> get.1.2 -> get.3.4>

********Verification Setting********
      Admissible Behavior: All
      Search Engine: First Witness Trace using Depth First Search
      System Abstraction: False

********Verification Statistics********
      Visited States:59
      Total Transitions:61
      Time Used:0.0041809s
      Estimated Memory Used:8897.464KB

The first part of the message states the verification result, i.e., the assertion is not valid. A trace which leads to the deadlock state is printed. The second part of the message reveals details on the analysis technique. The last part provides statistics on the number of system states/transitions explored, the search depth and time/memory usage. Notice that because PAT is implemented in C#, the memory usage is only estimated because of garbage collection. 

The printed trace reveals a deadlock situation where each and every philosopher holds one fork and waits. A counterexample produced by the verifier often reveals a bug in the model (and probably in the system). Often, the model needs to be modified and re-verified. There are multiple ways in this case to avoid the deadlock situation. The following models one of the ways.

  • Phil0() = get.0.0 -> get.0.1 -> eat.0 -> put.0.0 -> put.0.1 -> Phil0();
  • College_deadlockfree() = Phil0() || Fork(0) || (||x:{1..N-1}@(Phil(x)||Fork(x)));
  • #assert College_deadlockfree() deadlockfree;
  • #assert College_deadlockfree() |= []<> eat.0;

Process Phil0() is different from Phil(0) in that the forks are picked up in a different order. Re-open the Verifier and double click the assertion stating that College_deadlockfree() is deadlock free. This verifier reports that the assertion is true. Now, double-click the assertion "#assert College_deadlockfree() |= []<> eat.0;". The following is printed.

  • Verification Result:
  • ***The Assertion is NOT valid.***
  • Counterexample: ***init -> get.3.4 -> get.2.3 -> get.1.2 -> get.1.1 -> eat.1 -> put.1.2 -> get.0.0 -> put.1.1 -> get.1.2 -> get.0.1 -> put.0.1 -> (get.1.1 -> eat.1 -> put.1.2 -> put.1.1 -> get.1.2 -> )*
  • Verification Setting:
  • method: SCC-based Model Checking
  • partial order reduction: True
  • fairness: no fairness
  • Verification Statistics
  • Visited States:382
  • Total Transitions:598
  • Search Depth:191
  • Time Used:0.0298512s
  • Estimated Memory Used:56443.608KB

The highlighted part of the trace forms a loop. In this counterexample trace, the 1-th philosopher keeps picking up the forks and eating, whereas the 0-th philosopher keeps waiting all the time. By a simple argument, it can be shown that this is not a fair trace! Now, selecting the option "Event-level weak fairness" and click Verify again, a longer trace is printed as a counterexample this time. Simulate this trace and you will see a complicated loop. The reason is that weak fairness guarantees that if an action is always enabled, eventually it occurs. However, in this model, because a philosopher shared forks with his neighbors, if one of his neighbors is infinitely faster than he is, the fork is not always there, instead, it is only repeatedly there. To avoid this situation, we need (at least) event-level strong fairness! Now, selecting the option "Event-level strong fairness" and click Verify again. The assertion is proved.  

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