Each project group is expected to submit a 3 - 5 page (excluding references) paper describing their progress in 10pt ACM format (PDF). The paper should clearly address the following questions: For research papers: 1. Introduction (e.g. motivation for the problem). (1 point) 2. Precise problem definition (2 points) 3. List of contributions. (1 point) 4. Related work (1 point) 5. Your proposed solution & results so far (3 points) 6. Planned Evaluation (benchmarks, etc.) & Timeline. (2 points) For survey papers: 1. Introduction (e.g. why is your study domain & research questions relevant). (2 points) 2. Research Questions (be precise) (2 points) 3. Surveyed work and conclusions so far(4 points) 4. Remaining work to survey. (1 point) 5. Open questions formulated (1 point)