
Poppy, has a sparkling smile.
She likes to play all day while.
Poking fun at other juveniles,
Always has her viewers beguile.
Ten months old and full of rile,
Loveliest chimp around in awhile.
Hiding fruits under her fodder pile,
Shares it later, so sweet is her style.
Poppy is kind with skills versatile,
Gentle, protective with all her guile.
Has her mother’s big yellow eyes.
A source of joy in all our lives.
None around can guess meanwhile,
Searing pain hidden under that simile.
Limping around in those plastered tights,
Hides her excruciating wounds, oh my!
In a jungle away only a couple miles,
She underwent heartbreaking trials.
Saw mother chopped, strung onto tiles.
Smile stolen, left with screeching cries.
Broken, tortured and cursed to die,
She was being sold as a budget buy!
Barely getting enough food to get by,
We didn’t even know if she would survive.
After experiencing circumstances so vile,
Who would think she would ever smile?
Poppy the chimp is truly a mircale child,
Yet we are to blame for her pasts defiled.
- Rishav C.
Following tweet inspired this poem.