The Story Behind It

The song that is posted here was written way back in 1987, specially for the final year camp-fire. Each tutorial group was expected to present an item on that evening, and me, being the group representative and also being big mouth, proposed to the class that I could try writing a song. It almost became an unfulfilled promise, for the following week, right up till the eve of the day for rehearsal, nothing came out no matter how hard I banged my head onto the wall. Interestingly, it was that night, feeling tired and resigned after all the failed attempts, as I crawled onto the bed, 'inspiration' (what else could you call it?) struck and the music just flowed like a fountain. I must have been real exhausted, for I fell asleep soon after that, but woke up to the relief that the tune was still hovering in my head, but had to work on the lyrics on my bus journey to campus, just in time to submit the assignment.

But that's not the end of the story. Due to some very strange reason, I realised to my horror that I had lost my voice when I tried to sing in front of the class. God knows how my classmates still managed to catch the tune -- it must have been a miracle. Anyway, the rest of the story was smooth-sailing (phew!) and the song was presented in the camp-fire.

This was the first group song I ever wrote. As a group song, there are many voices, but my limited musical knowledge left me incapable of showing them in their fullest glory. Hence, what is presented here is the result of a very unskilled attempt at simplifying the piece.

(I made a mistake. The song was written in September 1987, not 1988 as printed in the score.)

Lyric only.

Listen to the midi file here: