FP-MBC.zip Version 1.0 =========== FP-MBC is a simple software for mining of bicliques using FPtree-based close pattern mining. Usage: FP-MBC data_file data_type min_sup min_size output_file 1. data_type: 0: bipartite graph 1: non-bipartite graph 2. data_file format: a) bipartite graph: the data file contains the adjacent lists of one of the two vertex sets of the graph. Each adjacent list is stored on a separate line as a list of vertex ids separated by white space and ending with a newline. For example, given a bipartite graph G=(V1, V2, E), where V1={0, 1, 2}, V2 = {a, b, c} and E={(0, a), (0, c), (1, a), (1,b), (2, b), (2, c)}, then the contents of the data file are: a c a b b c b) non-bipartite graph: the data file contains the adjacent lists of all the vertices in the graph. The vertex ids must start with 0 and be consecutive integers. Each line corresponds to the adjacent list of an vertex. If a vertex is not adjacent to any other vertices, then the corresponding line is empty. For example, given a graph G=(V, E), where V={0, 1, 2, 3} and E={(0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 3)}, then the contents of the data file are: 1 3 0 3 0 1 3: min_sup and min_size are the minimum size thresholds. 4: output format: Every biclique occupies two lines and each line contains a vertex set of the biclique. The first number is the size of the vertex set. Different bicliques are seperated by a new line. Credits: The FP-MBC program is developed by Guimei LIU. The project is supported in part by the I2R-SOC Joint Lab in Knowledge Discovery and by FRC grant "R-252-040-238-101 & R-252-060-238-133: Pattern Spaces: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications". If you use this software, please cite the following paper: Jinyan Li, Haiquan Li, Donny Soh, Limsoon Wong. A Correspondence Between Maximal Complete Bipartite Subgraphs and Closed Patterns. Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, pages 146--156, Porto, Portugal, October 2005.