Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2008/2009
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  2
Activity Type:LECTURE
Class Size  /  Response Size  /  Response Rate/  Contact Session/  Teaching Hour :26  /  16  /  61.54%  /  13  /  26
QnItems EvaluatedFac. Member Avg ScoreFac. Member Avg Score Std. DevDept Avg ScoreFac. Avg Score
(a)     (b)(c)     (d)

1The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability. 4.938 0.250 3.961 ( 4.031) 3.878 ( 3.718)
2The teacher provides timely and useful feedback. 5.000 0.000 3.969 ( 4.012) 3.913 ( 3.742)
3The teacher is approachable for consultation. 4.938 0.250 4.047 ( 4.134) 3.989 ( 3.884)
4The teacher has helped me develop relevant research skills.*NANANANA
5The teacher has increased my interest in the subject. 4.938 0.250 3.841 ( 3.979) 3.766 ( 3.647)
6The teacher has helped me acquire valuable/relevant knowledge in the field. 4.875 0.342 3.995 ( 4.121) 3.934 ( 3.800)
7The teacher has helped me understand complex ideas. 4.875 0.342 3.927 ( 3.959) 3.845 ( 3.654)
Average of Qn 1-7 4.927 0.261 3.956 ( 4.039) 3.888 ( 3.740)
8Overall the teacher is effective. 4.938 0.250 4.021 ( 4.076) 3.946 ( 3.750)

* This includes skills in research methodology, research problems/questions, literature search/evaluation, oral presentation and manuscript preparation.

** If Qn 4 is NA, it will not be included in the computation of average score (Average of Qn 1-7).

Frequency Distribution of responses for Qn 8

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












15 (93.75%)

1 (6.25%)

0 (.00%)

0 (.00%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Department


144 (34.29%)

195 (46.43%)

56 (13.33%)

19 (4.52%)

6 (1.43%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Faculty


173 (25.78%)

291 (43.37%)

115 (17.14%)

50 (7.45%)

42 (6.26%)

1. A 5-point scale is used for the scores. The higher the score, the better the rating.
2. Fac. Member Avg Score: The mean of all the scores for each question for the faculty member.
3. Fac. Member Avg Score Std. Dev: A measure of the range of variability. It measures the extent to which a faculty member's Average Score differs from all the scores in the faculty member's evaluation. The smaller the standard deviation, the greater the robustness of the number given as average.
4. Dept Avg Score :
 (a) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture) within the department.
 (b) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture), at the same module level ( level 3000 ) within the department.
5. Fac. Avg Score :
 (c) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture) within the faculty.
 (d) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture), at the same module level ( level 3000 ) within the faculty.


Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2008/2009
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  2
Activity Type:LECTURE

Q9  What are the teacher's strengths? to conceptualize things very well. able to bond the class and inspire them well
2.strong communication skill, teach students life lessons beyong the technical stuff.
3.- inspire students in one or another way.
4.Expressive and enthusiastic in teaching.
5.Makes lesson interesting. Try to teach important life skills as well.
6.Promotes critical thinking, brings learning to the next level. Very knowledgeable, knows what he is saying. A strong motivator
7.Very approachable and willing to share his knowledge.
8.He spends a lot of time preparing for the module, gives great feedback, makes the effort to ensure that the class runs smoothly, spent super super lots of time getting great lectures and talks together, and even treats us to lunch! He's motivational (even though sometimes in a torturous way), and sees the gifts in each person. Truly a lecturer to look up to and appreciate!
9.Really good at speaking and convincing student. Multi-talented and very suitable for teaching this module as different ability is needed to guide student of this module.
10.Excellent teacher!
11.Dr Ben always push students hard to ensure people can learn a lot in his class. What he did is not only to assign people to do some projects but try to deliver something beyond 4-year undergraduate study.

Q10  What improvements would you suggest to the teacher? slower? hahaa
2.Reduce workload further.
3.Tend to be elitist.
4.Stop saying "Now is the time I earn my pay", it gets a little irritating after a while :P
5.Need to be more open to alternate voices and ideas.
6.Hmm.. perhaps give us more breathing space in between modules to refresh ourselves, and have a larger class size? It would have really helped us to take a breather and catch up on other modules before going down under again! And it would also have been good if our last proj didn't clash so much with our other deadlines lah. but overall, THANK YOU FOR A GREAT MODULE!!
7.Look out more for student who have extraordinary trouble in this class. Nothing else, too good for me to comment anymore.
8.Already very good
9.Continue this class next year.


Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2008/2009
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  2

Module Code:CS3216No of Nominations:12

1.simply because he's so different from the rest of the professors. His enthusiasm and his passion simply made him stand out
2.Prof Ben Leong is the best teacher I have came cross for the three and half years' life at NUS. The module CS3216 is the most useful and interesting one among all the modules I have attended for all the modules. He taught us many essentail life lessons, including "do the right thing", "focus on one thing, and do it well", importance of "idea and executioon", "people matters". These lessons will benefit us for a life time. He invited external speakers to come in to show us what is happening in the real world outside, so that we were aware of the lastest technical advancement and the many soft skills needed to be successful. He conducted many useful workshop to help us to learn various web/desktop application development skills. He treated us delicious lunches a few times. He is now planning a gathering for the whole class after the exam. In conclusion, he is simply the best teacher. "The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates, the great teacher inspires." --William Arthur Ward. Dr. Ben Leong is a great teacher who inspires his students to really "make a difference" in the society, and he is demonstrating to us that he is indeed making a difference by teaching the class and sharing with us many wonderful lessons he learned through life. I think he not only should be recognized for outstanding educator awards, for the life-changing lessons he taught us throughout the semester.
3.He makes a difference in my life by teaching useful phiolsophies and strategies outside school.
4.Simply the best lecturer I've ever met. Outstanding is an understatement for him.
5.For giving me an opportunity to discover my own strengths. His style of teaching invoked creativity in all students. His words are always inspiring. Wanting to be an educator myself in the future, he is a good role model as an educator to strive towards. His direct method of communication helped students to achieve their full potential.
6.Very good teacher! Teaches important life lessons and common sense.
7.He is the most evil lecturer I've come across so far. But his evilness has enhanced my critical thinking skills, something I will never forget for the rest of my life. Everyone should attend his classes.
8.For a brilliant module that helped me learn in many different aspects. For being an opiniated prof who is never satisfied with his students work, pushing them to do better and better.
9.For his effort that he put in to not only make this 'just another module', but to inspire us on a personal level and make this class a lesson that takes firm root in our mind. This class was no conventional class, and must have been super hard to prepare for. Prof Ben always thinks and plans his modules from a "what my students can get out of it" point of view, and takes great pains to see that we truly learn and accomplish a lot during the span of 13 weeks!
10.He is creative for creating this module that bridges all lots of faculty people to do the most wonderful stuff and also learn a lot of soft skill and practical skills that is very useful immediately and in the near future. This is a one of a kind module that is the experience we got and show us possibilities for our future endeavor.
11.Excellent teacher! The best teacher I've ever had. He teaches more than textbook knowledge.
12.Dr Ben deliver us the most exciting module I have ever had in NUS so far. Many thanks to Dr Ben for your efforts making CS3216 rocks.

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