Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1
Activity Type:LECTURE
Class Size/Response Size/Response Rate :245  /  162  /  66.12%    
Contact Session/Teaching Hour :13  /  26    
QnItems EvaluatedFac. Member Avg ScoreFac. Member Avg Score Std. DevDept Avg ScoreFac. Avg Score
(a)     (b)(c)     (d)

1The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability. 4.531 0.049 4.209 ( 4.368) 4.165 ( 4.228)
2The teacher has increased my interest in the subject. 4.160 0.077 4.069 ( 4.207) 4.040 ( 4.065)
3The teacher provided timely and useful feedback. 4.321 0.055 4.091 ( 4.155) 4.081 ( 4.051)
4The teacher has enhanced my ability to communicate the subject material. 4.222 0.057 4.096 ( 4.216)NA (NA)
5The teacher's attitude and approach encouraged me to think and work in a creative and independent way. 4.481 0.051 4.157 ( 4.339)NA (NA)
6The teacher cares about student development and learning. 4.500 0.056 4.181 ( 4.321)NA (NA)
Average Q1 to Q6 4.369 0.046 4.134 ( 4.268)NA (NA)
Computed Overall Effectiveness of the Teacher. 4.415 0.048 4.191 ( 4.318) 4.160 ( 4.188)

1. A 5-point scale is used for the scores. The higher the score, the better the rating.
2. Fac. Member Avg Score: The mean of all the scores for each question for the faculty member.
3. Fac. Member Avg Score Std. Dev: A measure of the range of variability. It measures the extent to which a faculty member's Average Score differs from all the scores in the faculty member's evaluation. The smaller the standard deviation, the greater the robustness of the number given as average.
4. Dept Avg Score :
 (a) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture) within the department.
 (b) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture), at the same module level ( level 1000 ) within the department.
5. Fac. Avg Score :
 (c) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture) within the faculty.
 (d) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture), at the same module level ( level 1000 ) within the faculty.


Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1

Frequency Distribution of responses (Qn 1: The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability.)

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












96 (59.26%)

57 (35.19%)

8 (4.94%)

1 (.62%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Department


388 (48.38%)

332 (41.40%)

72 (8.98%)

9 (1.12%)

1 (.12%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Faculty


432 (41.46%)

449 (43.09%)

135 (12.96%)

19 (1.82%)

7 (.67%)

Frequency Distribution of responses (Qn 2: The teacher has increased my interest in the subject.)

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












78 (48.15%)

44 (27.16%)

30 (18.52%)

8 (4.94%)

2 (1.23%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Department


358 (44.64%)

290 (36.16%)

122 (15.21%)

26 (3.24%)

6 (.75%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Faculty


402 (38.58%)

384 (36.85%)

193 (18.52%)

48 (4.61%)

15 (1.44%)

Frequency Distribution of responses (Qn 3: The teacher provided timely and useful feedback.)

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












70 (44.03%)

71 (44.65%)

17 (10.69%)

1 (.63%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Department


287 (36.42%)

350 (44.42%)

139 (17.64%)

10 (1.27%)

2 (.25%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Faculty


330 (32.20%)

453 (44.20%)

211 (20.59%)

26 (2.54%)

5 (.49%)


Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1
Activity Type:LECTURE

What are the teacher's strengths? (113 comments)

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal to 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. A very engaging and inspiring lecturer who communicates with students very well. Goes the extra mile to help weaker students as well. A very inspiring teacher who has a way to make students learn and spark their interest in the subject.

2. A very good lecturer .Inspiring and funny

3. Ability to deliver high level concepts in an interesting manner

4. All

5. Always providing extra help and lots of practice

6. Awesomeness. He is very clear in delivering the content and very humorous. He is also very responsible in terms of taking care of the weaker students and marking papers.

7. Cares a lot about students' progress. Extremely good at teaching the material and fostering independent learning by giving us "homework" to ponder upon and try after the lectures.

8. Clear

9. Dr Ben is very humorous and very professional in lecturing.

10. Engaging speaker, very thoughtful for students.

11. Everything! He's incredibly patient and caring and even stayed back after remedial to answer our queries. He makes the module much more enjoyable than i would have found it (if prof ben wasn't teaching us) and i am thankful to have been under his guidance for CS1010s.

12. Excellent lecturer.

13. Explain things clearly and very creatively. Can feel his enthusiasm towards programming.

14. Extremely effective in delivering the concepts.

15. Fast paced, lectures were clear albeit a bit more complicated

16. Fun, engaging, inspiring.

17. Genuine care and concern for each individual student's progress in the module, interesting delivery of lecture content.

18. Good

19. He cares not just about the grades of the students but also the personal development of the students. It can be clearly seen that lots of effort has been in coming up with the materials to enhance the students learning as well as pushing the students beyond their limits so that they can learn better.

20. He delivers the lecture in a carefree and fun way to ensure that we do not get bored in his lecture. Sufficient examples were also given to visualise the code writing.

21. He has a purpose for everything he do in lecture. Has total control over his crowd as he is engaging.

22. He has an unique style and method of teaching. The students are always kept focused during lectures. The short video clip played during lecture break serves as a good relaxation.

23. He is an excellent teacher. He is dedicated and enthusiastic in educating students. He makes learning fun and enjoyable. he is very committed to helping students and builds a very helpful teaching support team. He makes learning a joy and he also cares a lot about the students' personal development and teaches us life skills and wisdom beyond the course. With a wealth of knowledge and good sense of humor , I am grateful to have Prof Ben as my teacher.

24. He is friendly and humorous, which makes him a good lecturer.

25. He is funny and charismatic so his lectures are very enjoyable. He often shares videos and stories in class that inspires the students and I honestly found his videos very moving. He doesn't differentiate between the good and the bad students, and encourages everyone that they can all do well. He really cares about the students. He ran up and down during exam to help students. He opened up 6 hours of remedial session for those who cannot catch up, and would not mind teaching even a very small group on saturday morning. Because he really cares, students are inspired to do better for the module and it is not just for grades. This module was enjoyable despite the difficulty because of him.

26. He is quite friendly and his teaching is clear.

27. He is really good at what he is teaching.

28. He is very friendly and approachable. He always reminds us of the end goal which is learning to learn.

29. He is very good and caring.

30. He is very strong in computing, plus he really cares for his students and doesn't want anyone to fail, thus even gives remedial on weekends and consultations also.

31. He is well-prepared!

32. He knows how to make students master basic programming in Python very well. He is able to make students suffer by the difficulty of the module, and yet, at the same time, is also able to give good reason for it and to motivate us.

33. He knows so much!

34. His creativity inspires me. He is pretty interactive and engaging too. He is also very clear with what he knows.

35. Humorous, innovative and interacts with students.

36. I love this lecturer! He is really interesting and is knowledgeable. He is able to explain the content clearly.

37. I think Prof Ben is the best professor I have ever seen. He really likes teaching and he really can teach very well.

38. Lectures are very engaging

39. Makes the lecture fun and interesting

40. NIL

41. Nice, really caring

42. Prof Ben is the most engaging lecturer that I've had this semester and it is always a pleasure to attend his lectures because he makes it very interesting.

43. Provide how terms is this language is called in other language which allows students to relate to when they see them in other language

44. Speaks about personality and life skills which are required outside of the module. Inspirational

45. Super smart

46. The lecturer delivers the lectures very well, he includes elements which make the lectures very interesting even though the subject is generally viewed as something dry and boring. He also makes the learning process very enjoyable through Coursemology, which 'gamifies' the module to a certain degree. Last but not least, he goes the extra mile to get to know his students and connect with them in a casual and friendly way and I think this is a very rare and should be encouraged among the teachers in NUS.

47. The teacher tries to make his lesson interesting and is very helpful in helping us students to understand the concepts.

48. This prof is truly a cut above the rest. Never have I been intrigued and inspired to like a module in NUS until I met this Prof. His teaching pedagogy is fantastic. He knows how to crack witty jokes during classes and even in Lectures!! His lectures are extremely funny, and I laugh when I watch his webcasts at home. I like his style of giving us homework and then the tests and exams are set based on what he gives, which is great since it saves us the time to source outside for other materials, which might not even come out like in other modules taught by other lecturers. All in all, he is a great Prof with great pedagogy and has truly inspired me to love programming. This professor has empathy, and is able to encourage and motivate his students under him. The most important thing I learnt in this module is the art of learning a computer language.

49. Very engaging and passionate.

50. Very friendly, but on a side note, i appreciate that he cares for the weaker students like me!

51. Very proficient in teaching. The learning environment is fun.

52. Wise and intelligent teacher. Ability to build rapport with his students. He cares about the welfare of his students. He constantly encourages and motivates his students. Generally he teachers really well.

53. clear and able to interact with students

54. encourages us to learn things the hard way, which actually benefits us on the whole

55. knowledgeable and humorous prof, definitely one of my favorite professors in NUS

56. very engaging lecturer, and covers important concepts clearly

57. very interesting lecturer

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 4.0 and less than 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -Using coursemology (or gamification) to teach. The single biggest game-changer for my interest in the module. -Personal emails to students to recognize effort.

3. A very dedicated prof who wants students to learn the process of learning instead of just spoon-feeding. Instill creativity in learning.

4. Able to conduct lecture in a fun way to make students interested and will motivate students through some short motivational video during break time

5. An amazing tutor who always seem to have some magic up his sleeves

6. Engaging lecturer. Able to make the mod more interesting and is also dedicated to helping his students. The courseology structure being put in place also enables us to constantly practice and reinforce new concepts taught which is especially important for me since i've no programming background at all.

7. Enthutiastic in teaching

8. He has passion in CS and tries to inspire us to have the same interest and passion.

9. He is able to deliver complex programming content well. The lecture is also well paced too.

10. He is able to introduce and package new information in a way that is interesting to the students. He also takes care to address certain issues that he has recognized during the course of the student cohort's study and address them in the lectures to help the students have a better state of mind.

11. He is enthusiastic and humorous. His lessons are difficult but interesting.

12. He is very interesting and very good at what he does

13. He provides different forms of help to help us understand the materials better. The emails (encouragement messages) after the tests are really touching and motivating.

14. His lectures are quite interesting

15. His teaching style is very casual and thus easy for us to catch the new things

16. His teachings during lectures were funny and enjoyable.

17. Interesting and engaging; captures student attention.

18. Knows his stuff.

19. Prof Ben is very passionate in lectures and puts in tremendous amount of effort to help us. Best prof I've had in NUS.

20. Prof Ben is very professional about programming. He makes the effort to make this module interesting and aims to teach students how to learn coding, which is a lifelong skill, rather than just know how to code. He makes the effort to remember student names so that he can know students better. He is interesting and kind.

21. Smart, handsome????, cute, funny.

22. Talk super fast

23. Very engaging and approachable. I like that he made efforts to get to know students personally and remember their names

24. Very humurous

25. Very lively "YOOHOO!!". The only lecturer that I have never dozed off to thus far, albeit the content being completely unfamiliar and new to people like me who have not come across programming at all. Spends alot of his time conducting recitations and towards the end of the course, one could tell that he has been drained of his energy; however his efforts to conduct his lectures in an interactive way did not die down and one could also tell that he is trying his best to make the module interesting. Cares about students greatly, even though the papers that he set can be rather difficult "HOW COOL IS THAT??"

26. Very patient and caring, he approaches students in a less intimidating way than the rest and has faith in his students, which makes the student want to do his/ her best.

27. Well-paced lectures are never boring and the explanations are clear.

28. While lectures are a little fast more often than not, during recitation classes, he is able to be patient with his students, explaining individual topics with great details. In lectures, while the students are given a short break in between, he would show motivational videos which I find rather interesting and unique. He makes a real effort to remember his students' names even if the latter only see him during lectures. The assignments given to us are special as they are filled with stories. These make doing assignments slightly more pleasing.

29. his style of teaching and his inspiration in coming up examination questions

30. nil-

31. teaches in a very interesting and not boring way.

32. well-prepared for the lectures

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.5 and less than 4.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. A nice lecturer who is humourous and willing to spend time helping students on Saturday.

2. A very interesting lecturer, doesn't only teach programming but many other things. so interactive, very close to his students, very funny

3. Being very knowledgable

4. He is very knowledgeable.

5. Knowledgeable

6. Needless to say, a skilled, effective and interesting lecturer.

7. Prof Ben made an effort to know all of his students despite the big cohort.

8. Prof ben makes the lecture more interesting and provide lots of feedback to us. He cares a lot about the students' abilities to cope with the module.

9. catch phrases with interesting powerpoint slides

10. knows the subject really well, very encouraging and patient

11. really encouraging, despite the module not being an easy one. readily offers help/assistance in the form of remedials, and even extra remedials for the weaker students.

12. very clear thoughts and excellent concepts acquired. interesting teaching really teach us a very brand new subject with good techniques that are very helpful for the future

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.0 and less than 3.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -

3. Able to convey key ideas quickly but clearly, gives interesting lectures which is not a bore to attend

4. Engaging and funny

5. Good, positive, energic

6. Smart. Evil.

7. Understands the content thoroughly, displays lots of confidence when delivering lectures and has an adequate amount of humour too.

8. very knowledgeable about the module

Comments from students who gave an average score less than 3.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Creative, engages and interacts well with students. I like that he'll play an inspirational video during the short lecture break and also the times where he talks about how CS1010s is not just plainly an academic module but is something which will really be able to train us how to think. This module is absolutely detestable and rigorous for me but it surprises me to say that I actually learn alot about myself as a person and I think that is what is important in life. Though I really do hope I pass this module.

2. his supportive attitude towards students

Other Comments from students
1. Clear

2. He really knows what he's teaching.

What improvements would you suggest to the teacher? (84 comments)

Comments from students who gave an average score less than 3.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Please do not be so evil.

2. speak slower

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.0 and less than 3.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -

3. Although this won't be the first time this has been said, the learning curve can be made less steep!

4. More mercy.

5. Speak slower,

6. speak slower. explain in more simpler terms

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.5 and less than 4.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. He could speak slower and clearer.

2. No improvement needed. :D

3. Talk a bit too fast. Some of the missions are irrelevant to the study materials. He should allocate time to go through the mission

4. The pace of the lecture and information overload

5. You may want to present the idea or content at slightly slower pace in a more systematic manner, especially in the beginning in which the basics of programming are taught.

6. explaination may be better evaluated based on basic and simple concepts

7. slower

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 4.0 and less than 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -

3. -

4. Adjust the deadlines in Coursemology so that it is more flexible. Sometimes a particularly week is overwhelming and students may not be able to complete the work on Coursemology

5. Being less didactic in teaching and in answering questions would be a welcome change.

6. Don't need to be too inspired

7. He could make the lectures easier to understand.

8. Lecture pace can be quite fast at times.

9. Nil

10. Nil.

11. None

12. Please try to speak slower...

13. Slides presented during the lecture can be less wordy. Pace of the lecture can be reduced as well.

14. Slow down, make contents clearer.

15. Sometimes restates things that are already said before (such as the OCD achievement, I think it has been said 3 times), so maybe cut down on the tendency to do that.

16. Speak slower during lecture. Although he mentioned that he speaks fast so that we will be attentive, but sometimes we need time to understand and follow during lecture.

17. Speak slower!

18. While it is no doubt that people would comment on how fast the lecturer speaks, it has come to my attention that it is not exactly the real problem. The issue lies on how he articulates his words - to which most of us cannot understand what he talks about in the lecture because we cannot catch the word. Thus it would be very much appreciated if he could enunciate the words much more clearly so we can catch them better. The same goes for any other tutorial/recitation that he conducts.

19. but tends to talk some nonsense sometimes

20. nil-

21. slow down sir

22. slower pace

23. speak a bit slower

24. speaks too fast

25. talk about main points more

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal to 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Best prof ever.

2. Dr Ben can narrow the difficulty level between homework and test.

3. Everything is so good.

4. Explain the concepts in a clearer manner as it is difficult to understand

5. He can go slower in lectures.

6. Make life easier.........

7. Maybe he can have lower expectation from the students

8. N.A.

9. NA

10. NIL

11. NIL

12. NIL

13. NIL, he's good.

14. NIL.

15. Nil

16. None

17. None!

18. None.

19. Not much. Slight tweaks to coursemology platform and perhaps combining tutorial and recitation timings to make it more convenient for future batches of students?

20. Nothing at all!

21. Nothing.

22. Please speak slower.:)

23. Recitations conducted before the actual lectures so that students can pick up the basic concepts before diving into the challenging lecture content.

24. Slow down!

25. Slow down!!

26. Sometimes the lecture gets a bit boring due to the heavy content. Maybe the lecturer can make it more interesting by having more breaks in between

27. Speak more clearly and slowly

28. Speak slower, sometimes lecture goes too fast

29. Speak too fast. Tends to give alot of attention to students who are doing better.

30. Talks too fast sometimes.

31. The levels of questions fluctuate too much. Basic questions becomes repetitive while difficult questions is totally another level of understanding.

32. Though he knows his stuff well, that's like only him and a few others. He examples he give... maybe too difficult to understand... or to catch up with him during the lectures.

33. Too good to be improved

34. go at a slightly slower pace

35. maybe could provide a layman's explanantion on certain topics instead of the 'computing' explanation

36. nil

37. nil

38. pace go a bit slower in lectuer

39. slow your pace down....

40. speaking speed is too fast

41. talk more slowly, go through the basics more in lecture, not just recitations

Other Comments from students
1. Try to speak slower for lectures.

2. Unfortunately, it was hard to keep up with his lectures because of the pace and difficulty of the content. Of course, I could just be an idiot but I think this sentiment may be shared by a number of people.

3. nil


Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1
Activity Type:RECITATION
Class Size/Response Size/Response Rate :142  /  94  /  66.2%    
Contact Session/Teaching Hour :36  /  36    
QnItems EvaluatedFac. Member Avg ScoreFac. Member Avg Score Std. DevDept Avg ScoreFac. Avg Score
(a)     (b)(c)     (d)

1The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability. 4.521 0.071 4.388 ( 4.388) 4.356 ( 4.388)
2The teacher has increased my interest in the subject. 4.309 0.088 4.252 ( 4.252) 4.215 ( 4.252)
3The teacher provided timely and useful feedback. 4.280 0.080 4.225 ( 4.225) 4.259 ( 4.225)
4The teacher has enhanced my ability to communicate the subject material. 4.287 0.081 4.248 ( 4.248)NA (NA)
5The teacher's attitude and approach encouraged me to think and work in a creative and independent way. 4.489 0.071 4.379 ( 4.379)NA (NA)
6The teacher cares about student development and learning. 4.436 0.084 4.354 ( 4.354)NA (NA)
Average Q1 to Q6 4.387 0.067 4.308 ( 4.308)NA (NA)
Computed Overall Effectiveness of the Teacher. 4.447 0.065 4.359 ( 4.359) 4.342 ( 4.359)

1. A 5-point scale is used for the scores. The higher the score, the better the rating.
2. Fac. Member Avg Score: The mean of all the scores for each question for the faculty member.
3. Fac. Member Avg Score Std. Dev: A measure of the range of variability. It measures the extent to which a faculty member's Average Score differs from all the scores in the faculty member's evaluation. The smaller the standard deviation, the greater the robustness of the number given as average.
4. Dept Avg Score :
 (a) the mean score of same activity type (Recitation) within the department.
 (b) the mean score of same activity type (Recitation), at the same module level ( level 1000 ) within the department.
5. Fac. Avg Score :
 (c) the mean score of same activity type (Recitation) within the faculty.
 (d) the mean score of same activity type (Recitation), at the same module level ( level 1000 ) within the faculty.


Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1

Frequency Distribution of responses (Qn 1: The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability.)

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












58 (61.70%)

28 (29.79%)

7 (7.45%)

1 (1.06%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Recitation), at the same level within Department


100 (48.54%)

87 (42.23%)

18 (8.74%)

1 (.49%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Recitation), at the same level within Faculty


100 (48.54%)

87 (42.23%)

18 (8.74%)

1 (.49%)

0 (.00%)

Frequency Distribution of responses (Qn 2: The teacher has increased my interest in the subject.)

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












51 (54.26%)

23 (24.47%)

18 (19.15%)

2 (2.13%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Recitation), at the same level within Department


93 (45.15%)

75 (36.41%)

35 (16.99%)

3 (1.46%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Recitation), at the same level within Faculty


93 (45.15%)

75 (36.41%)

35 (16.99%)

3 (1.46%)

0 (.00%)

Frequency Distribution of responses (Qn 3: The teacher provided timely and useful feedback.)

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












43 (46.24%)

34 (36.56%)

15 (16.13%)

1 (1.08%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Recitation), at the same level within Department


79 (38.73%)

93 (45.59%)

31 (15.20%)

1 (.49%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Recitation), at the same level within Faculty


79 (38.73%)

93 (45.59%)

31 (15.20%)

1 (.49%)

0 (.00%)


Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1
Activity Type:RECITATION

What are the teacher's strengths? (45 comments)

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal to 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. All

3. As above.

4. Clear

5. Dr Ben can clarify the ambiguities clearly and concisely.


7. Encouraging and very knowledgable prof!

8. Enthutiasm

9. Erm same as before i guess.

10. He explains to us concepts which we are unclear of.

11. He is an excellent teacher. He is dedicated and enthusiastic in educating students. He makes learning fun and enjoyable. he is very committed to helping students and builds a very helpful teaching support team. He makes learning a joy and he also cares a lot about the students' personal development and teaches us life skills and wisdom beyond the course. With a wealth of knowledge and good sense of humor , I am grateful to have Prof Ben as my teacher.

12. He is very interactive.

13. He understands where students could have gone wrong and corrects them immediately. If he does not correct them immediately, he asks the class for their stand before correction, engaging the class and preventing them from making the same mistakes.

14. Interesting and capable.

15. Knowledgeable.

16. Nice and good

17. Recitation is very useful.

18. The teacher explains the concepts very well and makes recitations very enjoyable to attend. He connects very well with the students under him and goes the extra mile to get to know his students at a more personal level, despite them not being from his faculty.

19. The teacher manages to cover a lot of concepts in the short time spent during the recitation.

20. This prof is truly a cut above the rest. Never have I been intrigued and inspired to like a module in NUS until I met this Prof. His teaching pedagogy is fantastic. He knows how to crack witty jokes during classes and even in Lectures!! His lectures are extremely funny, and I laugh when I watch his webcasts at home. I like his style of giving us homework and then the tests and exams are set based on what he gives, which is great since it saves us the time to source outside for other materials, which might not even come out like in other modules taught by other lecturers. All in all, he is a great Prof with great pedagogy and has truly inspired me to love programming. This professor has empathy, and is able to encourage and motivate his students under him. The most important thing I learnt in this module is the art of learning a computer language.

21. Very clear in explanation. Very nice and approachable.

22. Very engaging and passionate.

23. Well-prepared. Prof Ben can remembers students' name and hence ask questions frequently. This make the lesson much more engaging.

24. Wise and intelligent teacher. Ability to build rapport with his students. He cares about the welfare of his students. He constantly encourages and motivates his students. Generally he teachers really well.

25. he teaches clearly

26. makes the lecture fun

27. nil

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 4.0 and less than 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. During recitations, he makes a clear effort to ensure than every student in the class knows what is going on and understands the basics of every topic. He is always making sure the number of people still lost in class is minimal.

2. Engaging. Would go through the concepts slower during recitation so that we can then be able to clear up any confusion that we might have had during lectures.

3. He gets us to answer questions during recitation- which is stressful but helpful in learning

4. He is interesting and made the lessons fun.

5. He is very good at what he does and you know he really knows the material and what he is teaching very well.

6. Prof Ben is very passionate in lectures and puts in tremendous amount of effort to help us.

7. Prof Ben is very professional about programming. He makes the effort to make this module interesting and aims to teach students how to learn coding, which is a lifelong skill, rather than just know how to code. He makes the effort to remember student names so that he can know students better. He is interesting and kind.

8. Very funny interactive, close with his students,

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.5 and less than 4.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Being enthusiastic

2. He has passion in teaching and makes the lecture and recitation more enjoyable.

3. He provided on spot demonstration which clarifies some of my doubts.

4. Knowledgeable

5. Smart, funny.

6. Very lively "YOOHOO!!". The only lecturer that I have never dozed off to thus far, albeit the content being completely unfamiliar and new to people like me who have not come across programming at all. Spends alot of his time conducting recitations and towards the end of the course, one could tell that he has been drained of his energy; however his efforts to conduct his lectures in an interactive way did not die down and one could also tell that he is trying his best to make the module interesting. Cares about students greatly, even though the papers that he set can be rather difficult "HOW COOL IS THAT??"

7. interacts with stdents

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.0 and less than 3.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Profound thinking

2. Provides solution

Comments from students who gave an average score less than 3.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. supportive and care

What improvements would you suggest to the teacher? (32 comments)

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.0 and less than 3.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. More explanation

2. nil

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 3.5 and less than 4.0 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Go slow on harder and more important points.

2. Make sure that students understands what is going on before continuing.

3. Slow down the pace of lecture and information overload

4. Try to talk slower. Cater a class for weaker students for recitation

5. enhance explanation skills?

6. explain in more simpler terms

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal 4.0 and less than 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. Be more receptive to feedback!

2. He could try to pace his recitation classes better as at times time is the enemy and he would rush a little at the end.

3. N.A.

4. Nothingg :D

5. Recitation is only barely better than lecture in terms of understanding the topic material. I wish the recitation would deal with even simpler questions so that the students can better understand.

6. nil

Comments from students who gave an average score greater than or equal to 4.5 for the computed overall effectiveness of the teacher
1. -

2. -

3. Everything is not very simple.

4. He can slow down the pace of learning.

5. N.A.

6. NIL

7. NONE!

8. None!

9. Recitation notes can be uploaded earlier.

10. Same as before.

11. Slow down a bit when explaining.

12. Slow down, reduce workload please!

13. Talks too fast sometimes.

14. You deserve a big thank you.

15. go slower

16. nil

17. nil

18. teach a bit slower?


Faculty Member:  LEONG WING LUP, BEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2014/2015
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  1

Module Code:CS1010SNo of Nominations:61

1.Innovative and clever, he never fails to surprise the cohort with his exam questions. The structure of the modules is well planned. His interactions with the students the place where he shines, remembering some of their names, personalizing their experience in this module. He shows care and concern for them.
2.I was extremely shocked that Prof Ben as a computer science professor, cares so much about us students outside of the school of computing and knows over 50% of the cohort's names even when he probably will not be teaching us again. His experience in teaching enables him to deliver lectures in a very concise manner. The whole course is also structured very well to enhance learning of students - Lectures to introduce concepts, and Recitations in the same week to clear our doubts. He has also assembled all the best tutors and speaking from experience, other than my Thai Language tutors, I have never met better teaching staffs in NUS than Prof Ben and his team of tutors. Prof Ben himself also regular conducts remedial sessions out of class time, and is very dedicated to helping weaker students like myself improve. He is no doubt, an excellent teacher and I am sure many will agree.
3.He often shares his experiences that are beyond academics with the students and puts in a lot of effort in his teaching.
4.He is very smart and funny in the way he teaches.
5.very very nice professor
6.He is good
7.Although I suffer a lot for this mod, I felt really motivated by his words. He always push his students to strive for the better and to make probably our last chance to study full time worth it.
8.He has an unique style of teaching. The Coursemology platform used together with the trainings and missions is carefully designed. The lecture-recitation-tutorial procedure of teaching also helps students understand the course materials more easily. In additional to the course materials, he also tried to teach students more about university, career and life in general.
9.This prof is truly a cut above the rest. Never have I been intrigued and inspired to like a module in NUS until I met this Prof. His teaching pedagogy is fantastic. He knows how to crack witty jokes during classes and even in Lectures!! His lectures are extremely funny, and I laugh when I watch his webcasts at home. I like his style of giving us homework and then the tests and exams are set based on what he gives, which is great since it saves us the time to source outside for other materials, which might not even come out like in other modules taught by other lecturers. All in all, he is a great Prof with great pedagogy and has truly inspired me to love programming. This professor has empathy, and is able to encourage and motivate his students under him. The most important thing I learnt in this module is the art of learning a computer language.
10.He is the most dedicated, passionate, funny and sociable lecturer I've had. His performance and effort clearly shows he cares very much about each and every student he has and I was very touched about this.
11.Wise and intelligent teacher. Ability to build rapport with his students. He cares about the welfare of his students. He constantly encourages and motivates his students. Generally he teachers really well.
12.He is an excellent teacher. He is dedicated and enthusiastic in educating students. He makes learning fun and enjoyable. he is very committed to helping students and builds a very helpful teaching support team. He makes learning a joy and he also cares a lot about the students' personal development and teaches us life skills and wisdom beyond the course. With a wealth of knowledge and good sense of humor, I am very grateful and appreciative to have Prof Ben as my teacher. Best prof ever.
13.He encourages students to keep trying their best and gives very valuable advice during his lectures.
14.Prof. Ben always manages to have engaging lectures and is dedicated to teaching well. His classes are always lively and he is passionate about teaching not just the module content but also tries to impart valuable life lessons.
15.Did a good job in introducing students to programming
16.Capable teacher that is dedicated to his students. Takes time to look through the forum and see if anyone still has a question that is unanswered. He also makes an effort to remember as many names of his students as he can which shows he cares.
17.He really cares for his students, although he may go very fast in lectures, but he still has remedial to clear doubts, and he replies emails almost immediately, which is very good since my doubts can be cleared immediately. he even allows extensions on assignment because it might be very difficult
18.He is more than just a lecturer or a teaching staff. He makes clear efforts in knowing as many students as he can. This allows him to identify their strengths and weaknesses before providing constructive feedbacks to them on how they can actually do better in this module. The lessons and assignments are well structured. Now and then, he would send encouraging emails or messages online to urge the students to continue to strive hard in the course of the module. He also makes sure that every student in his class are able to follow whatever is being taught and would make effort to help anyone in need.
19.Best lectures ever. Despite having only 1 lesson on wednesday, I still make it an effort to go because prof ben is an excellent lecturer. He's also extremely friendly out of class.
20.he made the module extremely interesting, interesting personality
22.Able to motivate students to work hard and not give up, especially weaker students. Willing to come back on weekends to provide extra remedial. Good at planning lessons such that students can learn the concepts most effectively such as introducing the coursemology platform for learning.
23.Funny and engaging although his module is really killing me
24.On top of being a wonderful teacher, he goes the extra mile to get to know his students at a more personal level, which clearly shows that he cares a lot about his students' development.
25.He made a very tough module interesting and fun to learn. He also makes an effort to know all his students and makes sure everyone is coping well with the work load. All in all, he is a very kind, helpful and friendly lecturer/friend.
26.he does not only cares about our performance in this module but tries to spur us into thinking more about the future.
27.The way his lectures and recitations are held is very different compared to other teachers. He creates a very friendly environment due to the way he carries himself and through his manner of speech. As a result, I find his teacher sessions interesting.
28.Prof Ben makes lectures more interesting.
29.A very inspiring and humble teacher that makes me want to do my best to do him proud.
30.This teacher really made an effort to let his students learn some real stuff. He is encouraging, kind and simply a role model for people work in this field. He is really dedicating himself to this module and willing to help at any time
31.Bonds well with his students. Explains tough concepts well with examples. His creativity is unbounded, many of his exam papers or missions (tutorials) have very funny storylines that is relevant to our learning. He inspires me to take up computing as a minor, even though I had never tried out programming in my life.
32.Kudos to him for being able to make such a hard module seem so interesting. Also a workaholic that sacrifices alot of his own free time.
33.He is the best professor I've ever had
34.Very encouraging, motivating and although lectures are a bit hard to digest sometimes, Prof Ben will tell us beforehand we were supposed to be confused so that we will not feel nervous that we cannot catch anything. Furthermore, Prof Ben is also very good in his teaching as he is able to break down complicated ideas into smaller and easier pieces of information which makes the whole concept more understandable and easily grasp. I feel that he deserve a teaching award because not only does he focuses on teaching the required skills for this particular module (CS1010S), he make use of the break to show us inspirational videos about life and how not to let obstacles hamper us. I feel that i really learnt a lot in this module this semester and even though i most probably will not do coding in life, Prof Ben really made an impact on me as he teaches us how to think and also to not be intimidated by long, seemingly-complicated codes but instead try to break it down and solve it by parts. All in all, i feel that Prof Ben is a very witty, humorous and also dedicated professor. Thumbs up!
35.teaches very humurously
36.He really cares a lot for each single student. He understands that we all know programming is hard and he always gave us a lot of help.
37.He is really passionate in teaching programming. He can really spark my interest in coding
38.He is one of the most influential teachers that i have had as my whole life as a student such that i not only want to do well in this mod for myself, but also for professor Ben because of the time and effort that he has gone out of the way to invest in us. I am always thankful to have had the pleasure of having had professor Ben as my professor and being under his guidance for this module. For his endless showering of kindness, concern and aid, professor Ben definitely deserves this award before he ends his teaching career as a Professor in NUS>
39.Awesome prof. He taught me not only programming but also lessons on life.
40.Professor Ben communicates with students very well. His lectures are also very engaging and he cares a lot about his students. A very inspriring teacher who manages to make learning both interesting and enlightening at the same time.
41.Prof Ben is not only a humorous yet professional lecturer but also a friend of all his students as he focus not only on teaching a subject but also on students' development of thinking abilities, learning abilities as well as personal development. Prof Ben is amiable and approachable during class and after class. His sharing of personal experiences and learning-related videos aims to impact not just our learning in CS1010S alone. Prof Ben also aims to each us something during each exams by varying the exam question types and difficulty levels. His exam paper is extremely hard yet extremely fun to take.
42.He spent much efforts in teaching. this include setting each exam paper heartfully and provide us a chance to re-examming so that we can better learn the concept. He marked the paper as fast as possible so that we can pick up our mistakes and learn from that. Moreiver, he no only teaches us the content in this module but only lesson for life. good speaches are displayed everytime in the break of lecture for us to relax and in the same time to learn what out of school. He is also a teacher who cares student after lessons. it is very warm when a professor can recognise you and remember your name and also talk to you when he is free.
43.Knowledgeable and style of teaching is interesting
44.He makes the whole module interesting with the use of coursemology system. With the coursemology system, ample amount of practices are available. The practices are also interesting as we get to code different types of games such as 2048. The questions in the practices also follows a storyline which made it less boring and encourages us to read to question and try out the practices. In addition, he don't just care about the grades of the students but also the personal development of the students. He dedicated one lecture teaching us lesson which we need not just for this module but for our life. He also let us watch interesting videos. Overall, I love this subject due to the amount of effort the lecturer and tutors put in.
45.Prof Ben is a very professional teacher. He knows his field well, and more importantly he knows how to teach. He makes the effort to create a convenient learning environment for his students, and as a student I greatly appreciate the platform of coursemology. He really cares about how students are learning. As he mentions, he aims to teach student how to learn programming, instead of just know how to write codes. He guides his students to develop a systematic and creative way of thinking. In addition, he makes the effort to interact with his students, such as remembering all their names so that he can know them better. As such, many students like to interact with him. In short, he is a professor that teaches well and welcomed by all his students.
46.He gave us excellent experience in programming.