SCHOOL OF COMPUTING,NUS POSTGRADUATE SEMINAR BY MS JI LIPING Mining Localized Co-expressed Gene Patterns from Microarray Data Executive Classroom, SoC-1 level 5 22 January 2007, 12.00pm Abstract: With the new advances in DNA microarray technology, expression levels of thousands of genes can be simultaneously measured efficiently during important biological process and across collections of related samples. Analyzing the microarray data to identify localized co-expressed gene patterns are essential in revealing the gene functions, gene regulations, subtypes of cells, and cellular processes of gene regulation networks. Hence, researchers are recently motivated to mine co-expressed gene patterns from microarray data. We studied both the static and dynamic aspects of localized co-expressed gene patterns and categoried the patterns into three types: co-attribute patterns, co-tendency patterns and time-lagged patterns. We designed new algorithms to identify the three types of localized co-expressed gene patterns, and conducted experiments on both synthetic and real microarray datasets. Our experiments show the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithms in mining the localized co-expressed gene patterns.