Wrapper & proxy class for the type info also includes the reader function that reads in the type info from the config files
Public Methods
bool read_input(const char* i_at_datfile, const char* i_tor_datfile, const char* i_res_datfile)
const TAtom& get_tat(string i_at_label) const
const TTor& get_ttor(string i_tor_label) const
const TRes& get_tres(char i_code) const
const TAtom& get_tat(int i_index) const
const TTor& get_ttor(int i_index) const
const TRes& get_tres(int i_index) const
int get_num_tat() const
int get_num_ttor() const
int get_num_tres() const
bool check_tat(string i_at_label) const
- check whether atom type of given label exists
bool check_ttor(string i_tor_label) const
- check whether tor type of given label exists
bool check_tres(char i_code) const
- check whether res type of given code exists
Private Fields
vector<TAtom*> tat_list
- list of TAtom
vector<TTor*> ttor_list
- list of TTor
vector<TRes*> tres_list
- list of TRes
map<string,TAtom*> tat_map
- maps atom label to atom type
map<string,TTor*> ttor_map
- maps tor label to tor type
map<char,TRes*> tres_map
- maps res code to res type
typedef map<string,TAtom*>: :value_type tat_map_ele_type
- typedef the type of the map elements for easy declaration
typedef map<string,TTor*>: :value_type ttor_map_ele_type
typedef map<char,TRes*>: :value_type tres_map_ele_type
bool read_files_flag
- flag indicating whether config files have been successfully read
Private Methods
bool read_at_file(const char* i_at_datfile)
bool read_tor_file(const char* i_tor_datfile)
bool read_res_file(const char* i_res_datfile)
bool check_integer(string i_input)
- check that integer read is of the right format
bool check_float(string i_input)
- check that real num read is of the right format
Wrapper & proxy class for the type info
also includes the reader function that reads in the type info from the
config files
- TProt()
- ~TProt()
- bool read_input(const char* i_at_datfile, const char* i_tor_datfile, const char* i_res_datfile)
- const TAtom& get_tat(string i_at_label) const
- const TTor& get_ttor(string i_tor_label) const
- const TRes& get_tres(char i_code) const
- const TAtom& get_tat(int i_index) const
- const TTor& get_ttor(int i_index) const
- const TRes& get_tres(int i_index) const
- int get_num_tat() const
- int get_num_ttor() const
- int get_num_tres() const
- bool check_tat(string i_at_label) const
- check whether atom type of given label exists
- bool check_ttor(string i_tor_label) const
- check whether tor type of given label exists
- bool check_tres(char i_code) const
- check whether res type of given code exists
- bool read_at_file(const char* i_at_datfile)
- bool read_tor_file(const char* i_tor_datfile)
- bool read_res_file(const char* i_res_datfile)
- bool check_integer(string i_input)
- check that integer read is of the right format
- bool check_float(string i_input)
- check that real num read is of the right format
- vector<TAtom*> tat_list
- list of TAtom
- vector<TTor*> ttor_list
- list of TTor
- vector<TRes*> tres_list
- list of TRes
- map<string,TAtom*> tat_map
- maps atom label to atom type
- map<string,TTor*> ttor_map
- maps tor label to tor type
- map<char,TRes*> tres_map
- maps res code to res type
- typedef map<string,TAtom*>: :value_type tat_map_ele_type
- typedef the type of the map elements for easy declaration
- typedef map<string,TTor*>: :value_type ttor_map_ele_type
- typedef map<char,TRes*>: :value_type tres_map_ele_type
- bool read_files_flag
- flag indicating whether config files have been successfully read
- This class has no child classes.
Alphabetic index HTML hierarchy of classes or Java
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