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Introduction to Database Systems (S-Option)

What's in the S-Option?

The S-option explore advanced topics related to the main theme of the CS2102 module but not studied in CS2102.



In this option we study advanced topics chosen from the list below. The topics are, of course, related to the main cs2102 theme, i.e. the design and programming of database applications. Keep this in mind when studying: we are not interested in implementation and architecture of the database management systems that support the technologies studied.

DBTG Model

This topic covers querying and updating a database using the the DBTG model.

Object Oriented Databases

This topic covers designing in an object oriented model and querying in OQL.

Query by Example

This topic covers querying and updating a database using the Query by Example language. The relationship between QBE and Domain Relational Calculus must be shown.

XML Data and Design

This topic covers XML, DTDs, and XML Schemas.

XML Queries

This topic covers XPath and XQuery. If possible Example can be shown using the eXist XML data management system.

Security and Authorization

This topic covers access control to data and data strcutures in databases.

Deductive Databases

This topic covers querying and view definition in Datalog. Emphasis is put on the definition of recursive views. The relationship between Datalog and other studied languages must be discussed. In particular the students should show the latest SQL facilities for the definition of recursive views.

Maintained by Stéphane Bressan