Logic Seminar in AY 2024/2025 at NUS
Usual meeting time in Semester I: Wednesday, 17:00-18:00 hrs,
either Zoom (overseas speaker) or S17#04-04 (speaker in Singapore).
- Wednesday 31.07.2024, 17:00 hrs,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-05.
George Barmpalias. Questions and progress in Algorithmic
I will discuss current challenges and progress in algorithmic randomness,
focusing on Chaitin's halting probability, almost everywhere
domination and measures of relative randomness. I will offer
conjectures, partial results and benchmark problems toward
solving the main questions.
- Wednesday 07/08/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 1,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Zhang Jing. Higher dimensional combinatorics.
We expose an organizing framework to study higher dimensional
infinitary combinatorics based on Čech cohomology,
originating from works by Barry Mitchell, Barbara Osofsky
and others. Key combinatorial notions include n-coherence
and n-triviality for sequences of functions.
We will use some recent vanishing and non-vanishing results
to demonstrate "ℵn is incompact for
(n+1)-dimensional combinatorics" and "ℵω+1
can be compact for n-dimensional combinatorics for all n".
Time permitting, we will also discuss the possibility of
generalizing classical 2-dimensional properties like being
special or being Suslin to higher dimensions. The talk will
be purely combinatorial.
This is joint work with Jeffrey Bergfalk
and Chris Lambie-Hanson.
- Wednesday 14/08/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 1,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Koh Heer Tern. Effective Polish spaces.
We explore a recent program in comparing effective topological
spaces up to (not necessarily computable) homeomorphism.
We provide a survey of some earlier results separating some
of the common notions of presentations for Polish spaces.
By pushing existing definability techniques and effective versions
of Stone duality, we also provide some new counterexamples.
Most interestingly, that there exists a Polish space both
left-c.e. and right-c.e. presentable but not computably presentable.
- Wednesday 21/08/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 2,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Vo Ngoc Thieu. Some Computational Aspects of
Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs).
The main aim of this talk is to introduce our recent results
on computational problems related to DAEs, including the
effective differential Nullstellensatz, effective differential
elimination, and finding general solutions of low-order
algebraic ODEs. The effective differential Nullstellensatz
involves finding a positive integer N for a given DAE
system, such that one can check the consistency of the
system by performing N differentiations and polynomial
eliminations. Differential elimination involves removing
independent variables from a DAE system. Differential
Nullstellensatz and elimination are two fundamental problems
in differential algebra and differential algebraic geometry.
Since the number N represents the computational complexity
of the effective differential Nullstellensatz and elimination,
finding an upper bound for N is crucial. We will present our
recent investigations into the problem of determining an
upper bound for N. In addition, our results on the problem
of determining algebraic/rational general solutions of
first-order algebraic ODEs, as well as their connection
with the Poincaré problem, will also be presented.
- Wednesday 28/08/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 3,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Linus Richter. Definable (Classical) Mathematics.
I will outline a few connections between various notions of
definability (which vary in degree of logical formality),
give examples, and describe some open questions at the intersection
of logic and classical mathematics.
- Wednesday 04/09/2024, 16:45 hrs, Week 4,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Chong Chitat The minimal α-degree revisited.
Let α be an admissible ordinal.
A set A ⊂ α is of minimal α-degree
if it is non-recursive and every set of lower α-degree
is recursive. In 1956 Spector introduced the technique of forcing
with perfect sets to prove the existence of a minimal
ω-degree. Sacks posed the problem of the existence
of a minimal α-degree for all admissible α.
This problem, posed in the early 1970's, remains unsolved today.
The best result to-date is that of Shore (1972) in which he showed
that there is a positive solution if α is
Σ2-admissible. There has been no progress
made on this problem since. In this talk we present a recent result
on the minimal α-degree problem for singular cardinals
of uncountable cofinality which are not
Note that this week the seminar starts 15 minutes earlier
than usual.
- Wednesday 11/09/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 5,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Kihara Takayuki. Degrees of unsolvability of natural problems:
A realizability-theoretic approach.
The theories of degrees of unsolvability and realizability interpretation
both have long histories, having both been born in the 1940s.
S. C. Kleene was a key figure who led the development of both theories.
Despite having been developed by the same person, there seems to
have been little deep mixing of these theories until recently.
In this talk, we will reconstruct the theory of degrees of
unsolvability from the perspective of realizability theory.
- Wednesday 18/09/2024, 16:45 hrs, Week 6,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Le Quy Thuong. Motivic integration in valued fields
and applications to singularity theory.
Since 1995, motivic integration has been a powerful tool in
algebraic geometry and other branches of mathematics. In particular,
it has many important applications to singularity theory. For
instance, Denef-Loeser around 2000 gave a breakthrough point
of view in the study of singularities, by introducing the
so-called motivic Milnor fiber, with the philosophy that
this is a motivic incarnation of the classical Milnor fiber.
One shows that many singularity invariants can be easily recovered
from motivic zeta function and motivic Milnor fiber employing an
appropriate Hodge realization. Furthermore, there are important
problems concerning singularity theory such as monodromy conjecture,
the integral identity conjecture, and the Thom-Sebastiani theorem
that are waiting for new methods in motivic integration to have a solution.
In this talk, we will describe some surprising interactions between
motivic integration, model theory and singularity theory that lead
to our proofs for the integral identity conjecture, and the motivic
Thom-Sebastiani theorem, as well as other applications to
singularities. The talk will avoid technical aspects and emphasize
key ideas in motivic integration and singularity theory, which
may be friendly to a general audience.
Note that this week the seminar starts 15 minutes earlier
than usual.
- Wednesday 02/10/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 7,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
No Talk.
- Wednesday 09/10/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 8,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Athipat Thamrongthanyalak. Tame expansions of real closed
fields and Banach fixed point property.
In this talk, we study a converse of the Banach fixed point theorem
and its connection to tameness in expansions of a real closed field.
Let R be a definably complete expansion of a real closed field.
We say that R has the BFPP (short for, Banach fixed point
property) when, for every locally closed definable set E,
if every contraction on E has a fixed point, then E
is closed. In this talk, we prove that if R has an o-minimal
open core, then R has the BFPP; and if R has the BFPP,
then R has a locally o-minimal open core.
- Wednesday 16/10/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 9,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
No talk.
- Wednesday 23/10/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 10,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Ellen Hammatt. Arriving on time: punctuality in structures,
isomorphisms and 1-decidability.
In this talk we investigate what happens when we take concepts
from computable structure theory and forbid the use of unbounded
search. In other words, we discuss the primitive recursive content
of structure theory. The central definition is that of punctual
structures, introduced by Kalimullin, Melnikov and Ng in 2017.
We investigate various concepts from computable structure theory
in the primitive recursive case. A common theme is that new techniques
are required in the primitive recursive case. In particular we will
focus on topics such as finite punctual dimension, punctual
1-decidability and the punctual degrees. Where the punctual
degrees is a degree structure within punctual presentations
of a fixed structure which is induced by primitive recursive
isomorphisms. I will present various results from my PhD thesis
as well as pose some open questions in the area.
- Wednesday 30/10/2024, 16:45 hrs, Week 11,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Desmond Lau. Forcing with language fragments ... and without.
We develop a forcing framework based on the idea of amalgamating
language fragments into a theory with a canonical term model.
We then demonstrate the usefulness of this framework by applying
it to variants of the extended Namba problem, as well as
to the analysis of models of certain theories with constraints
in interpretation (TCIs). Separately, we look at small extensions
of V as generalised degrees of computability over V. Using TCIs,
we formalise and investigate the complexity of certain methods
one can use to define, in V, subclasses of degrees over V.
Finally, we give a characterisation of the complexity of forcing.
Note the early start of 16:45 hrs for the logic seminar talk.
- Wednesday 06/11/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 12,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Leong Michael Takaaki. A weakening of a Suslin tree
with variants of Martin's Axiom.
A weakening of a Suslin tree, known as a Suslin lattice,
was introduced by Dilworth, Odell, and Sari in 2007,
and subsequently investigated by Raghavan and Yorioka in 2012.
In this talk, we will show that the compatibility of
a Suslin lattice with Martin's Axiom and its variants mirrors
that of a Suslin tree by showing that a fragment of Martin's Axiom
suffices to imply the non-existence of a Suslin lattice. We will
also discuss the possible consistency of a Suslin lattice
with the P-ideal Dichotomy.
- Wednesday 13/11/2024, 17:00 hrs, Week 13,
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Dilip Raghavan. Nowhere dense ultrafilters and weak
forms of selectivity.
I will present some recent consistency results on nowhere dense
ultrafilters and a weakening of selectivity.
- Tuesday 26/11/2024, 14:00 hrs.
Faculty of Science, Room S16#05-18.
Patrick Lutz. Complexity of oracles for packing dimension.
Recently, there has been a spate of work applying tools from
computability theory to prove theorems about Hausdorff dimension
and packing dimension. Central to these applications are
computability-theoretic analogues of Hausdorff dimension
and packing dimension, known respectively as effective
Hausdorff dimension and effective packing dimension.
A fact which is useful for many applications is that for
sufficiently simple sets in particular,
for Π01 sets the
Hausdorff dimension and effective Hausdorff dimension
agree. Unfortunately, the corresponding statement
for packing dimension is known to fail. In particular,
an example due to Conidis shows that there is a
Π01 set
of packing dimension 0 and effective packing dimension 1.
In this talk, I will consider the question of exactly how bad
this failure is. In particular, given a
Π01 set E,
what is the minimum complexity of an oracle A for which the
packing dimension of E is equal to the effective packing dimension of E
relative to A? Surprisingly, it turns out that there is
not always even a hyperarithmetic oracle. I will also discuss
to what extent this affects potential applications
of effective packing dimension.
- Wednesday 18/12/2024, 17:00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#05-11.
Manlio Valenti. On the density of the Weihrauch degrees.
Recall that, in a partial order P, b is a minimal
cover of a if the interval (a,b) is empty. A strengthening
of this notion is the one of strong minimal cover, namely b
is a strong minimal cover of a
if c < b implies c ≤ a.
In this talk, we provide a complete characterization of how
minimal covers and strong minimal covers in the Weihrauch
degrees look like. As a consequence, we obtain that the
Weihrauch degree of the identity problem id can be defined
as the highest top of a strong minimal cover, or the least
degree whose upper cone is dense. In other words,
``being (uniformly) computable'' is a first-order definable
property in (W,<). This implies that the first-order theory
of the Weihrauch degrees (below id) is recursively isomorphic
to the third-order theory of true arithmetic.
This is joint work with Steffen Lempp, Joe Miller,
Arno Pauly and Mariya Soskova.
- Wednesday 05/02/2025, 17:00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Frank Stephan. Weakly represented families and domination
The talk presents joint work with David Belanger (Singapore),
C.T.~Chong (Singapore), Rupert H\"olzl (Munich), Gordon Hoi (Singapore),
Sanjay Jain (Singapore), Dilip Raghavan (Singapore), Frank Stephan
(Singapore), Daniel Turetsky (Wellington) and
Jing Zhang (Toronto) published in four papers. The first one dealt
with comparing the growth behaviour of functions or families of
functions partial-recursive relative to an oracle and classified
oracles with respect to this measure. The second, third and fourth
papers are about reverse mathematics and study weakly represented
families, that are families of functions computed relative to some
oracle in the second order part of the model (all functions in the
family use the same oracle). These families are used as a tool to
define notions like dominated (every weakly represented family is
dominated by some function in the model), hyperimmune, biimmune
and so on. Furthermore, one can such families also use as a hypothesis
space for classes to be learnt - this extends the study to inductive
inference. This is a survey talk with sample proofs.
- Wednesday 12/02/2025, 17.00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
- Wednesday 19/02/2025, 17.00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Tatsuta Makoto.
Representation of Peano Arithmetic in Separation Logic.
Separation logic is successful for software verification of
heap-manipulating programs. Numbers are necessary to be added to
separation logic for verification of practical software where numbers
are important. However, properties of the validity such as
decidability and complexity for separation logic with numbers have not
been fully studied yet. This paper presents the translation of
formulas in Peano arithmetic to formulas in a small fragment of
separation logic with numbers, which consists only of the
intuitionistic points-to predicate, 0 and the successor function.
Then this paper proves that a formula in Peano arithmetic is valid in
the standard model if and only if its translation in this fragment is
valid in the standard interpretation. As a corollary, this paper also
gives a perspective proof for the undecidability of the validity in
this fragment. Since Π01
formulas can describe consistency of
logical systems and non-termination of computations, this result also
shows that these properties discussed in Peano arithmetic can also be
discussed in such a small fragment of separation logic with numbers.
- Wednesday 05/03/2025, 17.00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Subin Pulari.
- Wednesday 12/03/2025, 17.00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
- Wednesday 19/03/2025, 17.00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
- Wednesday 26/03/2025, 17.00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
- Wednesday 02/04/2025, 17.00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
- Wednesday 09/04/2025, 17.00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Frank Stephan.
- Wednesday 16/04/2025, 17.00 hrs.
Department of Mathematics, Room S17#04-04.
Isabella Scott.
Talks from the
previous academic years.