For the following publication, no online-version is available.

C. Calude, S. Jain, B. Khoussainov, W. Li, F. Stephan.
   Deciding parity games in quasipolynomial time.
M. Kummer, F. Stephan. Weakly semirecursive sets and r.e. orderings.
C. Jockusch, F. Stephan. A cohesive set which is not high.
M. Kummer, F. Stephan. Some aspects of frequency computation.
F. Stephan. X-Raeume als Verallgemeinerung topologischer Raeume.
R. Beigel, W. Gasarch, M. Kummer, G. Martin, T. McNicholl, F. Stephan.
   The complexity of Odd(A,n). Please check out the corresponding
   conference-version "On the query complexity of sets."

The first paper is still under writing, but the main results can be
found in Frank Stephan's lecture notes
Methods and Theory of Automata and Languages, Theorems 20.20 - 20.22.
The Zentralblatt fuer Mathematik gives for the second and third the
following reviews.

Kummer, Martin; Stephan, Frank
Weakly semirecursive sets and r.e. orderings. (English)
[J] Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 60, No.2, 133-150 (1993). [ISSN 0168-0072]

This paper continues the investigation of weakly semirecursive sets
-- introduced by C. G. Jockush jun. and J. C. Owings [J. Symb. Logic 55,
637-644 (1990; Zbl. 702.03020)] -- using methods from the theory
of r.e. partial orderings. For instance, they prove that a set is
weakly semirecursive if only if it is an initial segment of an r.e.
partial ordering (this result generalizes the Appel-McLaughlin
Theorem for semirecursive sets).
[ C.Calude (Auckland) ]

MSC 1991: 
       03D25 Recursively enumerable sets
       03D30 Degrees, other than r.e.
       03D35 Undecidability

Keywords: weakly semirecursive sets; r.e. partial orderings; initial segment

Jockusch, Carl; Stephan, Frank
A cohesive set which is not high. (English)
[J] Math. Log. Q. 39, No.4, 515-530 (1993); correction ibid. 43, 569
(1997). [ISSN 0942-5616]

We study the degrees of unsolvability of sets which are cohesive (or
have weaker recursion-theoretic ``smallness'' properties). We answer
a question raised by the first author in 1972 by showing that there is
a cohesive set A whose degree a satisfies a'' = 0'' and hence it not high.
We characterize the jumps of the degrees of r-cohesive sets and we show
that the degrees of r-cohesive sets coincide with those of the cohesive
sets. We obtain analogous results for strongly hyperimmune and strongly
hyperhyperimmune sets in the place of r-cohesive and cohesive
sets respectively. We show that every strongly hyperimmune set
whose degree contains either a Boolean combination of Sigma 2
sets or a 1-generic set is of high degree. We also study primitive
recursive analogues of these notions and in this case we characterize
the corresponding degrees exactly.
[ F.Stephan (Karlsruhe) ]

MSC 1991: 
       03D30 Degrees, other than r.e.
       03D55 Hierarchies

Keywords: maximal set; degrees of unsolvability; cohesive set;
jumps; strongly hyperhyperimmune sets; strongly hyperimmune set;
primitive recursive analogues