Teacher Assessment Report
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Faculty Member:  KAN MIN-YEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2012/2013
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  2
Activity Type:LECTURE
Class Size/Response Size/Response Rate/Contact Session/Teaching Hour :44  /  19  /  43.18%  /  13  /  26
QnItems EvaluatedFac. Member Avg ScoreFac. Member Avg Score Std. DevDept Avg ScoreFac. Avg Score
(a)     (b)(c)     (d)

1The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability. 4.158 0.158 4.175 ( 4.100) 4.112 ( 3.984)
2The teacher provides timely and useful feedback. 4.105 0.228 4.179 ( 4.136) 4.132 ( 4.036)
3The teacher is approachable for consultation. 4.368 0.175 4.240 ( 4.181) 4.202 ( 4.099)
4The teacher has helped me develop relevant research skills.*NANANANA
5The teacher has increased my interest in the subject. 3.947 0.259 4.107 ( 4.050) 4.043 ( 3.910)
6The teacher has helped me acquire valuable/relevant knowledge in the field. 4.158 0.175 4.211 ( 4.146) 4.154 ( 4.018)
7The teacher has helped me understand complex ideas. 4.105 0.169 4.146 ( 4.048) 4.082 ( 3.926)
Average of Qn 1-7** 4.140 0.150 4.173 ( 4.110) 4.119 ( 3.995)
8Overall the teacher is effective. 4.211 0.196 4.220 ( 4.160) 4.156 ( 4.020)

* This includes skills in research methodology, research problems/questions, literature search/evaluation, oral presentation and manuscript preparation.

** If Qn 4 is NA, it will not be included in the computation of average score (Average of Qn 1-7).

Frequency Distribution of responses for Qn 8

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












8 (42.11%)

8 (42.11%)

2 (10.53%)

1 (5.26%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Department


203 (36.12%)

280 (49.82%)

55 (9.79%)

14 (2.49%)

10 (1.78%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Lecture), at the same level within Faculty


313 (29.44%)

530 (49.86%)

169 (15.90%)

30 (2.82%)

21 (1.98%)

1. A 5-point scale is used for the scores. The higher the score, the better the rating.
2. Fac. Member Avg Score: The mean of all the scores for each question for the faculty member.
3. Fac. Member Avg Score Std. Dev: A measure of the range of variability. It measures the extent to which a faculty member's Average Score differs from all the scores in the faculty member's evaluation. The smaller the standard deviation, the greater the robustness of the number given as average.
4. Dept Avg Score :
 (a) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture) within the department.
 (b) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture), at the same module level ( level 3000 ) within the department.
5. Fac. Avg Score :
 (c) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture) within the faculty.
 (d) the mean score of same activity type (Lecture), at the same module level ( level 3000 ) within the faculty.


Faculty Member:  KAN MIN-YEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2012/2013
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  2
Activity Type:LECTURE

Q9  What are the teacher's strengths? (please provide your comments in English)
1.Knowledgeable in the topic, and helpful towards students.
2.Describe theories very clearly and is not relunctant to help any student in need. Very punctual and always prepare lesson before the start time
3.Clear articulation.
5.- Provides timely feedback on student's queries. - Giving real-life examples of certain concepts to aid learning.
6.Knows a lot of what he is teaching. Very good in memorizing students' faces and names.
8.Great module that made me think. Thank you for being so patient and providing consultations that clarified my doubts.
9.He is a good lecturer that knows how to inject a bit of humour in class which is useful in aiding understanding of topics that can be a bit dry. I appreciate how he always does a screencast as it is certainly useful for revision purpose. In addition, I am grateful for him to print lecture notes for us every week. He also makes an effort to remember each of our names, which is really commendable though it's not a big class, but not every lecturer I came across does this.

Q10  What improvements would you suggest to the teacher? (please provide your comments in English)
4.Need to have more time for each assignment. Needs proper group assignments. Needs to ensure group assignments switch for every assignment to ensure fairness in groupings. Otherwise it is very unfair to students who sign up for the module without friends.
8.Nothing in particular.
9.I feel overwhelmed by the assignments. I think it is better to either reduce the number of assignments or the workloads of each assignment :)


Faculty Member:  KAN MIN-YEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2012/2013
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  2
Activity Type:TUTORIAL
Class Size/Response Size/Response Rate/Contact Session/Teaching Hour :44  /  19  /  43.18%  /  10  /  10
QnItems EvaluatedFac. Member Avg ScoreFac. Member Avg Score Std. DevDept Avg ScoreFac. Avg Score
(a)     (b)(c)     (d)

1The teacher has enhanced my thinking ability. 4.211 0.145 4.090 ( 4.070) 4.061 ( 3.962)
2The teacher provides timely and useful feedback. 4.158 0.206 4.142 ( 4.149) 4.138 ( 4.072)
3The teacher is approachable for consultation. 4.368 0.157 4.186 ( 4.173) 4.189 ( 4.123)
4The teacher has helped me develop relevant research skills.*NANANANA
5The teacher has increased my interest in the subject. 3.947 0.259 4.000 ( 4.015) 3.974 ( 3.921)
6The teacher has helped me acquire valuable/relevant knowledge in the field. 3.947 0.235 4.093 ( 4.097) 4.067 ( 3.994)
7The teacher has helped me understand complex ideas. 4.158 0.175 4.111 ( 4.058) 4.077 ( 3.953)
Average of Qn 1-7** 4.132 0.163 4.104 ( 4.093) 4.084 ( 4.004)
8Overall the teacher is effective. 4.105 0.228 4.149 ( 4.140) 4.122 ( 4.040)

* This includes skills in research methodology, research problems/questions, literature search/evaluation, oral presentation and manuscript preparation.

** If Qn 4 is NA, it will not be included in the computation of average score (Average of Qn 1-7).

Frequency Distribution of responses for Qn 8

Nos. of Respondents(% of Respondents)












8 (42.11%)

7 (36.84%)

2 (10.53%)

2 (10.53%)

0 (.00%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Tutorial), at the same level within Department


142 (34.38%)

207 (50.12%)

49 (11.86%)

10 (2.42%)

5 (1.21%)

Teachers teaching all Modules of the Same Activity Type (Tutorial), at the same level within Faculty


158 (29.87%)

264 (49.91%)

86 (16.26%)

12 (2.27%)

9 (1.70%)

1. A 5-point scale is used for the scores. The higher the score, the better the rating.
2. Fac. Member Avg Score: The mean of all the scores for each question for the faculty member.
3. Fac. Member Avg Score Std. Dev: A measure of the range of variability. It measures the extent to which a faculty member's Average Score differs from all the scores in the faculty member's evaluation. The smaller the standard deviation, the greater the robustness of the number given as average.
4. Dept Avg Score :
 (a) the mean score of same activity type (Tutorial) within the department.
 (b) the mean score of same activity type (Tutorial), at the same module level ( level 3000 ) within the department.
5. Fac. Avg Score :
 (c) the mean score of same activity type (Tutorial) within the faculty.
 (d) the mean score of same activity type (Tutorial), at the same module level ( level 3000 ) within the faculty.


Faculty Member:  KAN MIN-YEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2012/2013
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  2
Activity Type:TUTORIAL

Q9  What are the teacher's strengths? (please provide your comments in English)
1.Describe theories very clearly and is not relunctant to help any student in need. Very punctual and always prepare lesson before the start time
2.Explains in a clear and concise manner with good explanation.
4.Great module that made me think. Thank you for being so patient and providing consultations that clarified my doubts.
5.Basically as above. In addition, he is also good at explaining concepts in tutorials.
6.- Probes for student's answers before providing model answer. This sparks discussion and evaluation on other's answers. - Provide constructive feedback on how the different perspective one could take when answering questions pertaining to information retrieval as there are often no 'perfect' answers. It depends on what is needed and what could be sacrificed.
8.Knows a lot of what he is teaching. Very good in memorizing students' faces and names.

Q10  What improvements would you suggest to the teacher? (please provide your comments in English)
2.Speak a little louder?
4.Needs proper group assignments. Needs to ensure group assignments switch for every assignment to ensure fairness in groupings. Otherwise it is very unfair to students who sign up for the module without friends.
8.Nothing in particular.


Faculty Member:  KAN MIN-YEN
Department:  COMPUTER SCIENCE Academic Year:  2012/2013
Faculty:  SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Semester:  2

Module Code:CS3245No of Nominations:1

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