[Lecture Notes by Prof Yuen and possibly others 2000-2001] Quantum Computing ----------------- There has been quite a bit of publicity about quantum computing as the next big thing, and the fact that you keep getting different stories about what quantum computing is, only adds to the mystery and excitement. To me it is another illustration of how easy it is to overdo a good thing. As semiconductor fabrication techniques improve, we will soon be constructing digital devices using components consisting of just a small number of atoms, perhaps one day, of individual atoms. Theoretically, there is no reason why we cannot switch single atoms on and off as 1/0 storage, or to control a path to be Open or Closed. But as components get smaller, the so called quantum effects begin to arise, based on the Uncertainty Principle, that you cannot measure both the position and momentum of an object accurately, nor the energy level of an object together with the duration in which energy stays at that level; in fact dx.dp ~ dE.dt ~ h where h is Planck's Constant, so that if you know one value say x or E exactly, dx or dE = 0, then the other value p or t would have infinite error, i.e., complete uncertainty. In Simulation, we said that if we know the position and velocity of a car at time t plus steering direction and accelerator setting, then we can predict its position/velocity at t+dt; the uncertainty principle says this is wrong; but for a big object like a car, the uncertainty in its position and velocity is negligible relative to the size of the car. When you are dealing with objects like atoms however, the uncertainty is not at all negligible, and indeed produces quite surprising consequences: e.g., no system can remain at 0 energy or fixed position, because that would make the uncertainty 0. This is why atoms must have a minimum quantum energy level that is non-zero: no particle can stay in a fixed position without kinetic energy. You cannot describe the behaviour of quantum systems using concepts and mathematical formalisms originally designed for rigid bodies, including idealized objects like point bodies of zero size, because uncertainty makes such concepts meaningless. Instead, you have to use wave function equations and quantum field operators to describe them; wave/operator equations have solutions that are some combination of eigenfunctions (something like standing waves or resonances), with each eigenfunction associated with some kind of discrete values like energy levels, spin, etc, known as quantization levels; an object/system can only jump between different quantum levels rather than change its values continuously; hence, it gains or loses energy or other values in some multiples of a finite amount, which is physically interpreted as absorbing or losing a number of "particles". Our universe is permeated by one total wave function that includes all the objects and all the possible particles, making up a "quantum field". Quantum physics predicts such phenomena as superfluidity and superconductivity: the amount of energy available to produce the quantum field particles is very low at temperatures near absolute 0, and so the atoms in a crystal lattice do not interact with passing electrons, nor atoms in a cold liquid with each other, by exchanging particles, or to put it another way, they are unable jump to the next quantum level with the limited field energy supply, so that particles travel freely around without losing energy to atoms around them which they pass by as they travel. So an atom or any other quantum object cannot be permanently fixed at a particular energy level, because that violates the uncertainty principle; we could, by making a measurement, determine that an atom is at level x at time t, but it could immmediately afterwards make a jump to a higher level by absorbing some particle from its evironment or to a lower level by emitting one; the probability of jumping to a particular level is determined by the wave/operator equations. Hence, it is not in any particular state, but is in some unknown state that includes all the possible solutions of the wave equation. This is called the principle of superposition. An atom with a spin value in a magnetic field may have an up spin or down spin, but the principle of superposition says it is actually in some state containing both possibilities. If up spin is 1 and down spin is 0, then the atom represents not 0 nor 1, but a superpositioned state containing both; if we have N such atoms side by side, then the binary number contained in the atoms represents all 2**N possible values rather than one particular value. So here we have a quantum random number generator: if we take a measurement of the N spins, the result would be one particular combination of 1's and 0's; afterwards, the atoms may jump to the other state, until we fix their states with a new measurement which would return, unpredictably, some other string of 1's and 0's. Now suppose we apply a function F on this string of N bits x, what is F(x)? We could believe: (a) The function application works like a measurement which fixes x to one of the 2**N possible values; hence, F(x) is, unpredictably, one of the possible output values of function F; (b) The output is a superposition of all 2**N possible values of F(x); (c) Over time, all 2**N possible values of F(x) would be produced and we have an array of length 2**N. If either (b) or (c) is true, then quantum computing opens up the possibility of using one function application to produce 2**N results, maybe separately usable (b), or used together as a single data structure (c). It is however not at all clear that (b) and (c) could be done in practice, or even in theory since they could very well violate some other laws of quantum physics. A particular version of this says that even if we cannot get all 2**N values, we could use some function that produces a combination of all 2**N values to produce a single result that would otherwise take much longer to compute, since it depends on 2**N separate values, but this too remains to be demonstrated. The issue ties into an early study of "reversible" computing: a function that preserves all the information from the input in the output would produce a superpositioned output from a superpositioned input, and permit the input to be reconstructed from the output. While theoretically reversible digital circuits can be constructed, and indeed are supposed to provide zero energy consumption, their practical construction is not assured. Basically, you use XOR/Equal gates rather than AND/OR gates as the basic switching circuit unit, but such a substitution, always keeping the reversible property, would make circuits more complex. Various hardware techniques to store superpositioned numbers and apply functions to them have also been suggested, but with nothing that come close to the capability of current non-quantum hardware. High speed codebreaking has been suggested: a coding system that depended on the difficulty of factorizing a large integer was shown to be vulnerable to a quantum computing idea of quickly finding the periodicities of number sets and using these to guess what the factors a given number might be. The method requires reversible circuits to compute Fourier transforms (which is an information preserving operation, basically multiplication by a matrix of complex numbers which are all roots of -1.) In the mean time, however, mathematicians have improved their factorization techniques to break the prime-factor based coding system, though they require large parallel machines to carry out. A reverse application of quantum ideas is to achieve secure communication: if particles with certain quantum values are sent over a transmission line, and a evesdropper tries to read these values, the measurement disturbs the quantum levels and could be detected on the receive side. This however assumes that your enemy wants to read your messages, but perhaps he just wants to disturb your communication deliberately by his reading it. Yet another is to use some laws of conservation that impose mathematical relations between quantum values at one point with those at another point: measurements here tell us what measurements can be expected over there. Instead of being a defect that makes the state of digital devices uncertain, quantum effects could very well produce new benefits, but at this moment it is hard to know whether the benefits would actually occur and what the cost of producing such quantum effects would be. Predicting wonderful new devices based on the ideas is at present premature and overoptimistic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- from NY Times August 27, 2001 I.B.M. Creates a Tiny Circuit Out of Carbon By KENNETH CHANG In another step toward post-silicon computers, I.B.M. (news/quote) scientists have built a computer circuit out of a single strand of carbon. The I.B.M. circuit performs only a single, simple operation -- flipping a "true" to "false" and vice versa -- but it marks the first time that a device made of carbon strands known as nanotubes has been able to carry out any sort of logic. It is also the first logic circuit made of a single molecule. At least another year or two of research is needed before I.B.M. can even evaluate whether a practical computer chip can be manufactured from nanotubes, said Dr. Phaedon Avouris, manager of nanoscale science at IBM Research and the lead scientist on the project. But the fact that the researchers were able to build the circuit raises hopes that nanotubes could eventually be used for computer processors that pack up to 10,000 times more transistors in the same amount of space. Dr. Avouris declined to speculate when a chip with nanotube circuitry might appear commercially, but he described nanotubes as "the best candidate from what we've seen" in the emerging field of molecular electronics. "This is yet another test that nanotubes have passed," Dr. Avouris said. "The physics works." The processing power of computer chips has consistently doubled every year or two as the size of transistors continues to shrink. But current chip-making technology, which etches circuits into silicon, is expected to run up against fundamental physics limits in 10 to 15 years. A nanotube, which resembles a rolled-up tube of chicken wire, is about one hundred- thousandth the thickness of a human hair. Its thinness, only about 10 atoms wide, makes it a promising candidate for circuits in future faster and smaller computer chips. It takes its name from nanometer, a unit of measurement one-billionth of a meter long, which is a convenient length for specifying molecular dimensions. Dr. Charles M. Lieber, a professor of chemistry at Harvard and an expert in the field of nanotechnology, called the I.B.M. achievement "quite significant." The effort to incorporate nanotubes in computer chips is a "great strategy and one that could be implemented relatively quickly," he said. The I.B.M. researchers presented their findings yesterday at a meeting of the American Chemical Society in Chicago. An article describing the results will appear in the September issue of the journal Nano Letters. Nanotubes are not the only approach to building ultratiny circuits. Other researchers, like those at Hewlett-Packard (news/quote), have designed custom molecules that act as on- off switches. However, unlike transistors, the switches do not amplify electric signals, and a computer made of molecular switches would have to employ a different method for performing calculations, one that scientists are still working to devise. "They don't even have a transistor," Dr. Avouris said. "In that sense, we're way ahead in the game. You don't have to worry about finding a different architecture. You use what exists now." In April, the same researchers at I.B.M.'s T. J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., reported that they had constructed vast arrays of transistors made out of carbon nanotubes, but the arrays were not wired up to perform any calculations. In the latest research, the scientists succeeded in hooking up two of these transistors to perform the true-false flipping operation. Even more remarkably, the two transistors exist along sections of the same nanotube. This function -- a "not" operator -- is one of three fundamental logic operations that underlie all computer calculations. (The other two operations are "and" and "or"; the "and" operator compares whether two statements are both true; the "or" operator determines if at least one statement is true.) In the binary language of 1's and 0's used by computers, a "not" operator converts a "0" (the equivalent of "false") into a "1" ("true"). It also works the other way, changing a "1" into a "0." Computer calculations are all reduced to combinations of "and," "or" and "not" operators. To build the circuit, the researchers draped a single nanotube on a silicon wafer over three parallel gold electrodes, added a layer of polymer between two of the electrodes and then sprinkled some potassium atoms on top. All of the carbon nanotube transistors built previously were positive-type transistors, meaning that they carried current via empty spaces, or "holes," in the sea of electrons that act like positive charges. The sprinkled potassium atoms added enough electrons to the nanotube that its behavior changed to that of a negative-type transistor, where current is carried by electrons. The piece of nanotube sprinkled with potassium atoms acted like a negative-type transistor; the section protected under the polymer layer remained a positive-type transistor. The combination of the two transistors formed a "not" operator, flipping an incoming voltage signal to an opposite output signal. The ability to change positive-type transistors to negative-type is "a very neat trick" said Dr. Uzi Landman, a professor of physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. "As a demonstration, it is an important step." The logic circuit is about one-15,000th an inch wide -- larger than the equivalent silicon structure -- but Dr. Avouris said that it could eventually be shrunk so that 10,000 nanotube transistors fit in the space taken up by one current-day silicon transistor. "In principle, it can be small," he said. "It's a matter of just making the connections." The I.B.M. researchers are now trying to build the more complicated "and" and "or" operators and tie them together into more complex circuits.