Aggregating Data using Group Functions


Using Group Functions

Using Group-By Clause

Using Having-Clause

Nesting Group Functions


Group functions are mathematical functions to operate on sets of rows to give one result per set. The types of group functions (also called aggregate functions) are:

The general syntax for using Group functions is :

SELECT <column, ...>, group_function(column)

FROM <table>

WHERE <condition>

[GROUP BY <column>]

[ORDER BY <column>]

Note that the column on which the group function is applied must exist in the SELECT column list.

For example, the following selects the maximum salary from  the employee table.

SQL> SELECT dept, MAX(sal)

    FROM employee;

Using Group Functions

You can use AVG and SUM for numeric data. MIN and MAX can be applied on any data type including numbers, dates and strings. The order is defined accordingly.

Group functions ignore the NULL values in the column. To enforce the group functions ti include the NULL value, use NVL function.

For example, the following statement forces to take the average for all salary values even including 0 (although it is an odd case, let's assume this is possible.)

SQL> SELECT dept, AVG(NVL(sal,0))

    FROM employee;

Using Group-By Clause

Note that ALL columns in the SELECT list that are not in group functions must be in the GROUP-By clause.

For example,

SQL> SELECT dept, job, MAX(sal)

     FROM employee

     GROUP BY dept, job;

The following statement is thus illegal, because column dept is not in an aggregate function and is not in GROUP-BY clause.

SQL> SELECT dept, MAX(sal)

     FROM employee;

The correct statement which selects the maximum salary for each department, should be:

SQL> SELECT dept, MAX(sal)

     FROM employee

     GROUP BY dept;

Using Having-Clause

To exclude some group results, use Having-clause.

For example,

SQL> SELECT dept, MAX(sal)

     FROM employee

     GROUP BY dept

           HAVING MAX(sal) > 2000;

Note that you CANNOT use WHERE clause to restrict  groups. For example, the following is illegal:

SQL> SELECT dept, MAX(sal)

     FROM employee

     WHERE MAX(sal) > 2000

     GROUP BY dept;

This is because the group function cannot be used in WHERE clause.

Nesting Group Functions

You can nest group function calls. For example, the following example to show the maximum of the average salary of all departments,


    FROM emp

    GROUP BY dept_no;