CS3223: Database Systems Implementation

Project Assignment 4: Join algorithms


SimpleDB currently supports cross product. It can also work with index-based join. In this assignment, you will extend SimpleDB to support the following join algorithms:

a)      Sort-merge join

b)     Index-based join (this is already available, just need to understand and get it to work)

c)      Nested-loops join

You should be using the (HeuristicQueryPlanner, IndexUpdatePlanner) pair in this assignment.

NOTE: For sort-merge join, you will find that the sorting phase may stops when there are 2 runs. Change the code to generate 1 sorted run.

Run your test programs in the student database. [Note that you may need to rename your database (or delete the old one before you rerun).

Submit a report that describes the changes made to support multiple indexes. It is sufficient to create a table as follows:

File to change



