What is the True Human Condition? --------------------------------- If you doubt the truth of my words, consider what the scriptures say about the true human condition. Before we were saved, we were: So dead that only God can make us alive-Ephesians 2:1 So blind that only God could give us sight-2 Corinthians 4:4 So sinful that only God could forgive us-Psalm 51:5 So bad only God can make us good-Jeremiah 17:9 So lost that only God could save us-Luke 19:10 So helpless that only God could change us-Jeremiah 13:23 In short, without Jesus we were sinful ... lost ... helpless ... hopeless ... doomed ... damned! Nothing in us worth saving. Nothing we could do to save ourselves! If God doesn't do something to help us, we're in big trouble. This is the true condition of every man and every woman born on planet earth. - Extracted from Sermon by Pastor Ray Pritchard (http://www.keepbelieving.com/sermon/sola-gratia-by-grace-alone/)