A Refresher Course On God's Majesty ----------------------------------- You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live. - Exodus 33:20 My book Disappointment With God explores three questions many Christians ask: Is God hidden? Is God silent? Is God unfair? It struck me that those questions did not trouble the Hebrews in the Sinai wilderness. They saw evidence of God every day, heard Him speak, and lived under a contract signed in His own hand. Out of this relationship emerged a great gift from the Jews to the world: monotheism - the belief in one sovereign, holy God. Today many treat God like a cosmic good buddy. We could use a refresher course from the Old Testament on God's majesty. Pastor Gordon MacDonald writes, "The most costly sins I have committed came at a time when I briefly suspended my reverence for God... I quietly (and insanely) concluded that God didn't care and most likely wouldn't intervene were I to risk the violation of one of His commandments." MacDonald says his own love for God has moved away from a sentimental model, which never satisfied him, to something closer to a father/son model. He is learning to reverence, obey, and thank God; to express appropriate sorrow for sin; to pursue a quietness in which he might hear God whisper. He seeks a relationship with God appropriate to the profound difference between the two parties. As God's children, we may "come boldly to the throne of grace" (Heb. 4:16). But let us ever be mindful of our Father's inestimable majesty. To worship is to recognize the supreme worth of God. - Daily Bread