Not Home Yet ------------- Years ago, an elderly missionary couple who had served for years in Africa, was returning to New York City to retire. They were feeling discouraged, defeated, and afraid. Their health was broken and they had no retirement pension. When they got to the wharf to board the ship, they discovered that they were booked on the same boat as President Theodore Roosevelt, who was returning from a big game hunt. No one paid any attention to this old couple, but they watched the fanfare as the President arrived. A band was playing and the crowd was waving and straining for a glimpse of the great man. As the ship crossed the Atlantic, the old man grew more and more depressed. He said to his wife, "Something is wrong. Why should we have given our lives in faithful service for God in Africa all these years, and yet no one cares for us? This man comes back from a hunting expedition, and everyone throngs to see him. It does not seem fair!" His wife tried to comfort him, but he could not shake his depression. As the boat docked in America, more bands were playing and more crowds had turned out to greet the President. Many dignitaries were there, and the papers carried the story on the front page. But no one noticed the missionaries. They slipped off the boat and went to hunt for a cheap apartment and for jobs. That night, the man's spirit broke. He felt that God had abandoned them. He complained to his wife, "We don't have anyone to help us and no where to go. Why hasn't God met our needs?" His wife wisely replied, "Why don't you go in the bedroom and talk to the Lord about the whole thing?" Some time later, he came out of the bedroom, but his face was different. He was happy now. His wife asked what happened. He said, "I went in and told the Lord the whole thing. I told Him that it's not fair. I told Him how I was bitter because the President received this tremendous homecoming, but no one met us as we returned home. And you know, as I finished, it seemed as though the Lord put His hand on my shoulder and said simply, "My child, you're not home yet." Why serve God? Because He notices and cares for all who serve Him! - extracted from a sermon by Pastor Cole on Malachi 3:13-18