Exercising your gifts --------------------- Years ago in a Special Olympics, the boys were running the 220. One runner named Andrew was faster than the others. As he came around the corner of the track, he was about 50 yards ahead of everyone. Everyone was standing at the finish line, yelling at Andrew, "Come on! Come on!" But out of the corner of his eye, he could see his best friend in the far lane fall. Andrew ignored the ones yelling for him to win. He went back, picked up his fallen friend by the hand and together they crossed the finish line in last place to the cheers of those in the stands. Did Andrew win? It depends on how you define "win." If winning is coming in first, Andrew lost. He came in last. But if winning is caring for and working together with your brother, Andrew won. That's how we are supposed to use our gifts to serve one another in the body of Christ. - Steve Cole