List of Publications


  1. J.X. Yu and X. Qu and K.L. Tan, World-Wide Web Caching in a Nomadic Environment, Australian Workshop on Mobile Computing and Databases and Applications ' 96, Melbourne, Australia, February 1996.
  2. J.X. Yu and K.L. Tan, "Scheduling Issues in Partitioned Temporal Join", Australian Computer Science Communications, Vol 18, No 2, January 1996, 167-176.
  3. J.X. Yu and K.L. Tan and X. Qu, "On Balancing Workload in a Highly Mobile Environment", Australian Computer Science Communications, Vol 18, No 2, January 1996, 109-118.
  4. J.X. Yu and K.L. Tan, "Scheduling Issues in Partitioned Temporal Join", Proceedings of the 7th Australasian Database Conference, Melbourne, Australia, January 1996, 167-176.
  5. J.X. Yu and K.L. Tan and X. Qu, "On Balancing Workload in a Highly Mobile Environment", Proceedings of the 7th Australasian Database Conference, Melbourne, Australia, January 1996, 109-118.
  6. H. Lu and K.L. Tan, "Cost Modelling in Multidatabase Query Processing", Advances in Computing Techniques: Algorithms, Database and Parallel Processing, Editors:H. Imai, W.F. Wong and K.F. Loe, Spring 1996, 114-123.


  1. B.C. Ooi, K.L. Tan, T.S. Chua and J. Li, "Storage Management of Continuous Media Data", Technical Report of IEICE, Vol. 95, No. 407, December 1995, 1-6.
  2. H. Lu and and K.L. Tan, "Pipelined Band Join in Shared-Nothing Systems", Proceedings of the 1995 Asian Computing Science Conference, Pathumthani, Tailand, December 1995, 239-253.
  3. K.L. Tan, "Optimization of Multi-Join Queries in Shared-Nothing Systems", Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol 10, No 2, March 1995, 149-162.
  4. H. Lu and K.L. Tan, "Adaptive Buffer Allocation", Australian Computer Science Communications, Vol 17, No 2, January 1995, 143-152.
  5. H. Lu and K.L. Tan, "Adaptive Buffer Allocation", Proceedings of the 6th Australasian Database Conference, Adelaide, Australia, January 1995, 143-152.


  1. H. Lu, K.L. Tan and C. Lee, "Load Balancing in Pipelined Processing of Multi-Join Queries", Proceedings of the 1994 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Hsinchu, Taiwan, December 1994, 670-675.
  2. H. Lu and K.L. Tan, "Cost Modelling in Multidatabase Query Processing", Proceedings of the JSPS seminar, Singapore, December 1994.
  3. D.J. Abel, B.C. Ooi, R. Power, K.L. Tan, G. Williams and X. Zhou, "The Virtual Database: A Tool for Migration from Legacy LIS", Proceedings of AURISA 94, Sydney, Australia, November 1994, 117-126.
  4. K.L. Tan and H. Lu, "Optimization of Multi-Join Queries in Shared-nothing Systems", Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10's 9th International Conference, Tencon `94, Raffles City, Singapore, August 1994, 564-568.


  1. H. Lu and K.L. Tan, "Dynamic Load-balanced Join Processing", Proceedings of the 1993 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Taipei, Taiwan, December 1993, 61-68.
  2. K.L. Tan and H. Lu, "Pipelined Processing of Multi-way Join Queries in Shared Memory Systems", Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Parallel Processing, St. Charles, Illinois, August 1993.


  1. K.L. Tan and H. Lu, "Processing Multi-join Query in Parallel Systems", Symposium on Applied Computing, Kansas City, March 1992.