- Long Division/Multiplication 00128 Software CRC Calculate the CRC value for a string of text(divide) 00550 Multiplcation by Rotation Find shortest factor with rotamult-property 00465 Overflow Determine whether numbers overflow an int - Fractions 00202 Repeating Decimals Figure out length of repeat period of fraction 00834 Continued Fractions Convert fraction to a continued fraction 00275 Expanding Fractions - Polynomials 00126 The Errant Physicist Multiply polynomials of x and y 00586 Instant Complexity Calculate the complexity of a program - Primes/Factorization 00136 Ugly Numbers Find the 1500th ugly number factors(2,3,5) 00583 Prime Factors List the prime factorization of a number efficiently 10311 Goldbach and Euler Determine if a number is sum of 2 primes - Sorting: 00110 Meta-Loopless Sorts Produce Pascal programs that do sorting 00120 Stacks of Flapjacks Sort a stack of flapjacks using flips 00514 Rails Sort a train using a station 00538 Balancing Bank Accounts Figure out who owes who what 00612 DNA Sorting Sort some DNA based on some trait 00632 Compression (II) Perform a Burrows Wheel Transform - Invariant 00264 Count on Cantor Find offsets - Additive/Multiplicative Series 00107 The Cat in the Hat Calculate the number of cats in the hat 00138 Street Numbers Find special house numbers 10302 Summation of Polynomials Find the sum of the first N cubes - Exponentiation/Logarithms 00113 Power of Cryptography Find integer roots of large numbers 00545 Heads Find 2^-n = x.xxxE-y for large n