Dr. Terence Sim

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School of Computing

National University of Singapore
13 Computing Drive
Singapore 117417
Tel: +65 6516 1180
Fax: +65 6779 4580
Email: tsim AT comp.nus.edu.sg


Greetings from NUS!

I am an Associate Professor at the School of ComputingNational University of Singapore.  I am also an Assistant Dean of Corporate Relations at our School. I teach an undergraduate course in digital special effects, as well as a graduate course in multimedia.  For research, I work primarily in these areas:  face recognition, biometrics, and computational photography.  I'm also interested in computer vision problems in general, such as shape-from-shading, photometric stereo, object recognition.  On the side, I dabble with some aspects of music processing, such as polyphonic music transcription.

From 2014 to 2016, I served as President of the Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Association (PREMIA), a national professional body for pattern recognition, affiliated with the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).

I won the 4th Temasek Young Investigator's Award in 2005.  This $500K award was given by the Defence Science and Technology Agency for a 3-year project in Extreme Face Recognition.

I am available as a Consultant for biometrics deployment: review of technology, assessment of vendor's proposal, education and training.

NEW! PPSM slides (PDF version) of my Power Papers (Part 2) talk.

PPSM slides (PDF version) of my Power Papers (Part 1) talk.

PPSM slides (PDF version) of my Super Speaking talk.

Prospective students: Want to do a Ph.D. in my research group? Click here.

If you are asking me to write a letter of recommendation for you, please read this first.

      Updated March 2017.