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Limsoon is Kwan-Im-Thong-Hood-Cho-Temple Professor in the School of Computing at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He was also a professor (now honorary) of pathology in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine at NUS. Before coming to NUS, he was the Deputy Executive Director for Research at A*STAR's Institute for Infocomm Research. He currently works mostly on knowledge discovery technologies and their application to biomedicine. He has also done, in the earlier part of his career, significant research in database query language theory and finite model theory, as well as significant development work in broad-scale data integration systems. Limsoon has written about 300 research papers, some of which are among the best cited of their respective fields. Limsoon was inducted as a Fellow of the ACM in 2013 and as a Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Science in 2024, for his contributions to database theory and computational biology. Some of his other awards include the 2003 FEER Asian Innovation Gold Award for his work on treatment optimization of childhood leukemias, the 2006 Singapore Youth Award Medal of Commendation for his sustained contributions to science and technology, and the ICDT 2014 Test of Time Award for his work on naturally embedded query languages. He was also conferred a Public Administration Medal (Bronze) in 2014 by the Singapore Government for outstanding efficiency, competence, and industry, and a Long Service Medal in 2024 for irreproachable character and his service to the Singapore government and associated organizations. He serves/served on the editorial boards of Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Bioinformatics, Biology Direct, Drug Discovery Today, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics, Journal of Biomedical Semantics, Methods, Scientific Reports, Information Systems, and IEEE Transactions on Big Data. He is also an ACM Books Area Editor. Limsoon received his BSc(Eng) in 1988 from Imperial College London and his PhD in 1994 from University of Pennsylvania.