Tools for Design of Microarray and Analysis of Gene Expression Profiles for Disease Diagnosis and Prognosis

Participants: Jinyan Li, Kui Lin, Guimei Liu, Huiqing Liu, V. S. Sundararajan, Limsoon Wong, Allen Yeoh


The development of microarray technology has made possible the simultaneous monitoring of the expression of thousands of genes. This development offers great opportunities in advancing the diagnosis of diseases, the treatment of diseases, and the understanding of gene functions. This project aims to: (1) develop technologies for the design of microarrays; (2) develop tools for the analysis of gene expression profiles, especially for optimization of disease treatment; and (3) apply these tools for optimization of disease treatment, with childhood leukemias as the initial area.


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This project is supported in part by NSTB grant LS/99/001/B, the I2R-SOC Joint Lab on Knowledge Discovery from Clinical Data, NUS ARF grant R-252-050-238-101/133, and SERC PSF grant 072 101 0016.

Last updated: 16/9/12, Limsoon Wong.