DPM-delta Version 1.0 =========== Discriminative Pattern Mining (DPM) is an algorithm to simultaneously miner generators and close patterns of frequent equivalence classes. The transactions can have multiple class labels. Usage: DPM-delta data_filename \ #classes min_sup(an obsolute number) \ delta(a small integer) [output_filename] Data format is similar to FIMI workshop: Each line represents an object with a set of attributes (integers) separated by space. The first column contains class labels. Credits: This program is written by LIU Guimei. The project is supported in part by I2R-SOC Joint Lab on Knowledge Discovery and by FRC grant "R-252-040-238-101 & R-252-060-238-133: Pattern Spaces: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications". If you use this program, please cite the following paper: Jinyan Li, Guimei Liu, Limsoon Wong. Mining Statistically Important Equivalence Classes. Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, pages ???--???, San Jose, California, 12-15 August 2007.