nClusters and maxnClusters Version 1.0 ========================== Program maxnclusters first calls "nclusters" to mine nClusters, then removes non-maximal nClusters in a post-processing step. Usage: nclusters data_filename min_row_size min_column_size delta 1 max_overlap output_filename maxnclusters nclusters data_filename min_row_size min_column_size delta 1 max_overlap output_filename Data format (similar to the data format used by UCI machine learning repository.) .data file: Each line represents an object with a set of attributes sperated by comma. .names file: The first line contains the number of objects. The second line contains the number of attributes. The remaining lines contain information on whether an attribute is continuous or nominal. Credits: These programs were written by LIU Guimei. The project was partially supported by FRC grant "R-252-040-238-101 & R-252-060-238-133: Pattern Spaces: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications" and MOE T1 grant "R-252-000-274-112: Graph-Based Protein Function Prediction". If you use these programs, please cite: Guimei Liu, Jinyan Li, Kelvin Sin, Limsoon Wong. Distance-Based Subspace Clustering with Flexible Dimension Partitioning. Proceedings of 23rd IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, pages 1250--1254, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2007.